Emergency assistance in the absence of a residence permit - students, university graduates, self-employed persons

Are you a student, university graduate or self-employed, do you not have a sufficiently valid residence permit and need urgent help in an emergency?


  • Only proven emergencies will be processed.
  • Only fictitious certificates, toleration certificates or border crossing certificates are issued.

You must book an appointment. Emergency appointments are only available at short notice for this day and the next. If no appointment is available, please try again later. New appointments for today and tomorrow will be added in the morning, at midday and in the afternoon

Beware of chargeable offers: We expressly warn you against paid appointments offered by other providers. Appointments at the Munich Foreigners Office are always free of charge. Please only use this website to ensure that you receive the service free of charge and reliably. Please let us know if you encounter a fee-based appointment

What is an emergency?
An emergency is an unforeseeable situation in which a document is needed immediately, otherwise there is a risk of damage. This applies in the following cases:

  • Imminent loss of employment
  • Impending loss of benefits (e.g. unemployment benefit or student loan)
  • Urgent travel for personal or professional reasons within the next seven days (e.g. business trip, illness, death)

The Foreigners Office examines and decides whether an emergency exists.

Please do not come without an appointment! There are no appointments or waiting lists on site. If you cannot get an appointment online, please call our service telephone to make an appointment. New appointments are opened daily for emergencies.


You belong to the following groups of people and have a foreign nationality:

  • Students
  • Scientists
  • Researchers
  • Highly qualified (you have a university degree and are working)
  • Self-employed persons
  • Family members of the above-mentioned groups of people

Please note:

Other requirements apply to all other groups of people.

Required documents

The following documents are accepted in German or English for the processing of appointments:

  • Confirmation from the employer of impending job loss or necessary business trip
  • Confirmation from the organisation providing the benefits of impending loss of benefits
  • Confirmation from the travel company about booked travel, hotel, transport
  • Confirmation from a public authority, hospital or doctor of an urgent personal need to travel

Duration & Costs

Payment methods available

Questions & Answers

No. You can make an appointment to extend your residence permit if you send us your application for extension via our online services or by post.

No. No other services (e.g. change of job or the issue/renewal of a residence permit) are processed at the emergency counter. This is only possible via our online services or by post.

No. You can send documents via our online form or by post. You can also drop documents in our letterbox at Ruppertstraße 19, entrance A.

Landeshauptstadt München

Unterabteilung 5 Hochqualifizierte und Sonderaufenthalte (KVR-II/35)


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Unterabteilung 5 Hochqualifizierte und Sonderaufenthalte (KVR-II/35)

Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München


Ruppertstraße 19
80337 München

Lagehinweis: Eingang C

Telephone consultation hours:

Monday 7.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m
Tuesday 7.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m
Wednesday 7.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m
Thursday 7.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m
Friday 7.30 a.m. to 1 p.m

Related services

Residence permit - researchers and scientific staff

Would you like to start a research project or pursue a scientific activity? If so, you can apply for various residence permits

Counselling on the entry of foreign skilled workers

If your company would like to employ foreign skilled workers, we can advise you on entry options and the recognition procedure.

Residence permit - skilled workers with vocational training

If you are a skilled worker with vocational training and would like to work in Germany, you will need a residence permit for skilled workers with vocational training.

Immigration counselling for skilled workers

If you are a skilled worker living abroad and would like to work in Munich or the surrounding area, we can offer you advice on recognition, qualifications and immigration.

Residence permit - civil servants

If you work as a civil servant for a German employer, you will be issued a residence permit to fulfil your official duties.

Settlement permit for highly qualified persons

In special cases, highly qualified foreign nationals can obtain a permanent residence permit without prior residence in Germany.

Residence permit - Job search

This residence permit is for people who are looking for work in Germany that corresponds to their qualifications.

Emergency assistance in the absence of a residence permit

You do not have a sufficiently valid residence permit, but need urgent help in an emergency?

Residence permit - Qualification as a doctor

If you have a foreign qualification as a doctor and wish to obtain a licence to practise or a professional permit, you will need a residence permit.

Residence permit – recognition of qualifications

If you still need to acquire skills for the full recognition of your professional qualification, you can apply for a residence permit for this period.