Education and training

Do you work in a daycare centre, school or social services? Information for education and training professionals.

Information for educators and providers

  • Independent childcare centres and EKIs

    Do you run a daycare centre or would you like to open a new one? Information for independent providers and parent-child initiatives.

  • Schools and teachers

    Do you work at a school in Munich? Information and offers for teachers and management.

  • Work in child day care

    Would you like to work as a childminder or open a large daycare centre? All the information you need to get started.

Services for schools, daycare centers and social institutions

  • Language support for schools

    Educational professionals can receive language mediators from the "BildungsBrückenBauen" service centre for parent meetings and parent information events.

  • Providing information about sexuality

    We advise and train schools and youth centres on sex education topics, prevention programmes and awareness-raising activities.

  • Specialist counselling on child protection (IseF)

    If you have professional contact with children or young people at risk, you are entitled to counselling from a child protection specialist (IseF).

  • Playground equipment hire

    Private individuals, schools, kindergartens, clubs, non-profit organisations and companies can borrow play equipment and toys from the Department of Education and Sport.

  • Carers for holiday activities

    Do you enjoy working with children and young people, are you at least 18 years old and looking for a meaningful holiday job? Then get in touch with us!

  • Support for international school programmes

    Would you like to become a chaperone for an international student programme? Send us your application!

Information and guide

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IQE - Interkulturelle Qualitätsentwicklung

Interkulturelle Qualitätsentwicklung

Organisationsentwicklung zur rassismuskritischen Interkulturellen Öffnung von Einrichtungen: Stark gegen Diskriminierung und Barrieren.


Kinder haben Rechte: Materialien und Schulklassenprogramme für die Klassen 3 bis 7, Elternabende oder Fortbildungen für Erwachsene.

Teaser_Kommunale Koordination

Kommunale Bildungskoordination

Bedarfs- und Bestandserhebung, Informationsweitergabe, Netzwerkarbeit: Teilhabe an Bildung und Beschäftigung für Neuzugewanderte und Geflüchtete.