Trade tax

If you run a commercial business in Munich, it is subject to trade tax.


Your local tax office decides on your trade tax liability, determines the trade income and sets the trade tax assessment amount and the tax period in the trade tax assessment notice. The City of Munich then multiplies the trade tax assessment amount by the currently applicable assessment rate of 490 per cent.

The calculated amount is shown as trade tax in the trade tax assessment notice.

Please note that the City of Munich is bound by the findings of the tax office in the trade tax assessment notice. You can therefore only raise objections to the trade tax liability and the amount of tax with the responsible tax office.

Due date
You must make quarterly advance payments of trade tax: 15 February, 15 May, 15 August and 15 November each year. The amount due is shown in your last trade tax assessment notice.


Any standing commercial enterprise is subject to trade tax if it is operated in Germany. A commercial enterprise is a commercial enterprise within the meaning of the Income Tax Act. Corporations are subject to trade tax due to their legal form. In principle, agricultural and forestry businesses and freelance activities are not subject to trade tax.

Required documents

  • You submit your trade tax return with all the necessary documents to the relevant tax office. You do not need to send any further documents to the City of Munich.
  • You will receive your trade tax assessment notice by post. If your assessment notices and other correspondence are to be sent to another person, you can issue an authorisation for delivery. For example, your tax consultant can take over the correspondence for you.
  • With a notice of assignment or pledge, you can have possible tax refunds paid directly to a creditor. Please complete the relevant form and send it to us.

Duration & Costs

Payment methods available

Legal basis

Related services

Commissioning of an official medical report

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Authorisation of work on Sundays and public holidays

Employers who require authorisation to employ staff on Sundays and public holidays must apply for this.

Business re-registration

If the location or type of your business changes or you expand your business to include additional goods or services, a change of registration is required.

Business deregistration

If you cease your commercial activity, give up a business premises or move your business to another municipality, you must inform us.

Opening of a branch in Munich

Are you planning to set up a branch office? We provide basic information to foreign companies planning to set up a branch office in Munich.

Undeclared work

We monitor whether the necessary business registration or travelling trade licence has been obtained and whether an entry has been made in the Register of Craftsmen.

Advice on the circular economy, circular economy

We advise Munich-based companies and businesses on the path to sustainable and resource-conserving business practices.