Stay as an au pair

Au pairs may come from any country between the ages of 18 and 26.


With a visa or residence permit for au pairs, you can stay in Germany with your host family for up to one year and help with childcare.

Visa procedure

Before entering Germany, you must apply for a visa at the relevant German diplomatic mission.

The visa is not required for citizens of Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America, even if they do not have a visa for Germany.

EU/EEA citizens do not need a visa, residence permit or work permit.

After entering the country

You must first register your residence at the Citizens Office.

Application for a residence permit

Before your visa expires, you must apply for a residence permit. If you can enter the country without a visa, you must apply for a residence permit at the Foreigners Office within 90 days of entering the country.

Please submit the application form and the required documents online or by post. After your application has been checked, you will receive an appointment for a personal interview.

Period of validity

The residence permit is valid for a maximum of one year.

Host family:
As a rule, only couples and single parents with at least one child can be considered as host families. German should be spoken as a native language in the host family. If German is only spoken as a family language, you must not be related to a family member or come from the host parents' home country. In addition, the host family should integrate you well, provide you with your own room in the family home and allow you to take part in meals together.

Change of host family:
If you wish to end your work with the host family early and move to another host family, you will first need the approval of the Foreigners Office.


  • You are registered in Munich.
  • You have German language skills at least at level A 1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
  • You have found a host family.
  • You have sufficient health insurance: The host family must take out accident and health insurance (including in the event of pregnancy and childbirth). As health insurance companies do not usually cover the treatment costs of pre-existing illnesses, the host family should make sure that there are no illnesses before entering the country. It is contractually possible to request a current health certificate before entering the country.

Required documents

  • Fully completed application form
  • Valid passport or passport substitute
  • biometric passport photo(only at the appointment, photo machines can also be found at the Foreigners Office)
  • Valid visa for entry (if required)
  • au pair questionnaire for host parents
  • Invitation letter from your host family (with au pair contract if applicable): This must state that you are to join the family as an au pair.
  • Proof of health insurance: Insurance card or membership certificate from the health insurance company as well as proof of the monthly insurance premium

Please note:
Further documents may be required in individual cases.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

10-12 weeks


100 Euro

Questions & Answers

A written contract must be concluded between you and the host family regarding mutual rights and obligations. This contract must in any case regulate the following points:

  • Working hours: maximum 30 hours per week; usually a maximum of six hours per day (including babysitting)
  • Free time: at least 1.5 days off per week (including at least one Sunday per month and at least four evenings off per week); time off for language courses, religious practice, cultural events and excursions; paid holiday leave of four weeks (two working days per full month if working for less than a year)
  • Pocket money: at least 280 euros per month is appropriate

in principle, it is possible to change to another residence permit (e.g. for training, studies, employment as a skilled worker).

in principle, you must move out of the host family's home after the au pair activity has ended; exceptions are only possible in special individual cases. Please contact the responsible Foreigners Office.

you may be employed by the host family for up to one year. The one-year period generally begins when you enter the country with a visa.

Legal basis

§ Section 19c (1) AufenthG, Section 12 BeschV

Landeshauptstadt München

Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten

Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten

Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München


Ruppertstraße 19
80337 München

Lagehinweis: Eingang A
Room: Servicepoint, Bereich 31, 3. Stock

Only with appointment

Related services

Residence permit - German intensive language course

Would you like to attend an intensive German language course? Then you must apply for a residence permit for this period.

Cancellation of the blocked account

If you wish to cancel your blocked account, you can apply for cancellation here.

Residence permit - Voluntary service

If you would like to take part in a national or European voluntary service programme in Munich, please note the following information.

Residence permit – Search for a vocational training place

You want to complete qualified vocational training in Munich? Then you can obtain a residence permit for the search for a training place.

Residence permit – school attendance and exchange

If you would like to attend a school or participate in a student exchange in Munich, you will need a residence permit.

Residence permit - Study preparation

If you are preparing to study in Germany with an intensive German course, preparatory college or pre-study internship, you will need a residence permit.

Studying after an au pair stay or voluntary social year

Under certain conditions, it is possible to switch to a study visit after an au pair stay.

Residence permit – education or further training

If you come from a third country, you can apply for a residence permit for vocational training or further education.

Residence permit - Study

You are not from an EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland and would like to study in Munich? Then you need a residence permit.

Foreign students - change of specialisation or university

Would you like to change your specialisation or university? Then you need prior authorisation and a new residence permit that allows you to change.