Reformed health check-up for school enrolment

If your child is due to start school in September, they must first take part in the reformed school enrolment health examination (rSEU).


If your child is due to go to school for the first time in September 2026, they must come to the health department for a health check-up.

You can find a video about our health check-up on our YouTube channel.

The reformed health check-up for school enrolment (rSEU) takes place in the penultimate year of kindergarten. For your child, this is between September 2024 and July 2025. Your child will not start school earlier.

The examination begins for all children with an approximately 60-minute screening by a health and paediatric nurse (GKKP). This includes

  • an assessment of the child's health history and development to date
  • a review of the yellow booklet and immunisation card
  • a hearing and eye test
  • measurement of height, weight and head circumference
  • assessment of language development
  • standardised, playful tests on precursor skills for writing, reading and arithmetic
  • vaccination counselling if required

A medical examination in addition to the screening is mandatory in the following cases:

  • If there is no proof of the last screening (U8 or U9).
  • If the screening reveals indications of health problems or particularities in the child's development.
  • At the request of the parents (e.g. if the child has a chronic illness).

If the medical examination indicates the need for a repeat examination, this will take place in the year before the child starts school. Attendance is also compulsory.

Following the examination, you will receive a certificate of attendance for your child. This certificate must be submitted to the school by the start of school.

All examination results are subject to medical confidentiality.

The health status and previous preventive measures (U examinations, immunisations) of all children starting school are recorded statistically throughout Bavaria for annual health reporting and for health policy recommendations. The data collected is analysed anonymously.

Important information

  • Be very punctual for the agreed appointment.
  • The presence of a parent (guardian) is required. A confirmation for the employer can be issued.
  • The examination will only take place if an appointment has been made.
  • Register at the registration desk on the 2nd floor (room 2002).
  • If you or your child are ill, please stay at home and make a new appointment.

Required documents

  • Yellow booklet (preventive medical check-ups) with completed U8/ U9
  • Vaccination card
  • Completed medical history form on your child's medical history (enclosed with the invitation)
  • Completed questionnaire on your child's everyday life at the daycare centre (enclosed with the invitation)
  • If available: additional medical documents and aids (for example: doctor's letters, development reports, disability certificate, glasses, hearing aids)
  • Ear, nose and throat or ophthalmological certificate (if your child has had a hearing or eye test in the last 3 months)
  • Contact details of the kindergarten or other carers/institutions, such as doctors, therapists (voluntary information)
  • If you and your child live abroad, we require a current medical certificate and the child's current immunisation status.
  • If you register your place of residence outside Munich after September 2024, we need a copy of the registration at your new place of residence.

Questions & Answers

The examination serves to assess the child's state of health and development and to advise parents, particularly in the case of health problems and/or developmental delays, including possible support or therapy measures.

  • Children of compulsory school age: all children who will be six years old by 30 September 2026 (date of birth: 30 September 2020 or earlier), live in Munich City and do not yet attend school. This also applies if school enrolment is planned at a private or special school.
  • Early children: Children who turn six after 30 September 2026 and are to be enrolled in school at their parents' request.
  • Corridor children: school-age children born between 1 July 2020 and 30 September 2020 who are to start school one year later at their parents' request.
  • Children to be deferred: school-age children who will turn six by 30 September 2026 but are to be deferred from school for one year.

As far as possible, the medical examination takes place directly after the screening. As we want to take enough time for you and your child, it may be necessary to make another appointment.

The medical examination is carried out in the health department by experienced paediatricians and takes between 30 and 60 minutes, depending on requirements.

It includes

  • Assessment of health history and development
  • Physical/neurological examination if required
  • Examination of linguistic, mental and psychosocial development
  • Detailed discussion with parents about the findings and advice on how to proceed
  • If necessary, support for parents to initiate support and therapies in collaboration with the paediatric practice providing treatment
  • With the parents' consent, contacting the primary school, kindergarten or other childcare facilities if necessary
  • If necessary, arrange a follow-up appointment in the year before school enrolment

We offer children with developmental impairments due to physical, mental or psychological disabilities individualised appointments.

More time than usual is scheduled for the examination. On request, a medical consultation and joint planning of the appointment can be arranged by telephone in advance.

Please contact us when you make your appointment and let us know if you would like support from an interpreting service or sign language interpreter.

In justified cases, an interpreting service can be arranged by telephone.

The examination takes place in the Munich Health Department at Bayerstr. 28a.

Please register on the second floor in room 2002.

The Health Department will open a new location in Freiham. This will offer families from the west of Munich access to health promotion services close to their homes.

The allocation of the examination location is based on the postcode of your registration address and will be communicated to you when you make your appointment.

When you receive a letter from the Health Department telling you to make an appointment. With this invitation you will receive all the information you need to make an appointment.

If your child does not take part in the health check-up for school enrolment, your data will be passed on to the Munich Youth Welfare Office. The Youth Welfare Office must then contact you to find out why the examination did not take place.

  • Via the main railway station with all S-Bahn lines or with the underground lines U1/U2/U4/U5. On arrival, take the Hauptbahnhof Süd exit in the direction of Bayerstraße
  • Tram line 18 or 19, stop Herrmann-Lingg-Straße
  • Bus line 58, stop Holzkirchener Bahnhof

Legal basis

  • Art. 80 Bavarian Law on Education and Teaching (BayEUG)
  • Art. 11, 12 and 15 Health Service Act (GDG)
  • Art. 37 Bavarian Law on Education and Teaching (BayEUG)
  • Ordinance on School Health Care (SchulgespflV)

Landeshauptstadt München

SG Schulgesundheit


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
SG Schulgesundheit

Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München


Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München

A personal presentation is currently only possible by prior appointment.

Telephone availability:

Monday to Friday
08.30 - 12.00
12.30 - 15.30

Please note that telephone availability may be limited during busy periods.
You are welcome to contact us by e-mail.

Related services

Support for children of pre-school age

If your child is between the ages of 4 and 7 and you want to prepare them for school at home, you can take advantage of the HIPPY support programme.

School district - Guest school application

Public primary, special and secondary schools are subject to compulsory attendance. If there are compelling personal reasons, you can apply for an exemption.

Reimbursement of travel costs to and from school

Munich schoolchildren can apply for a cost exemption or reimbursement of travel costs for their journey to school by public transport.

Registration for primary school

If your child turns six by 30 September, you must register them for school enrolment at the relevant primary school on 19 March 2025.