Home economics counselling for indebted families

Volunteer home economics counsellors help those seeking advice on site in their households to clarify financial problems.


The home economics counselling service supports Munich residents in coping with financial problems by clarifying their finances by assessing their income and expenditure situation, analysing their finances and pointing out potential solutions, including in the event of indebtedness or over-indebtedness. There is close cooperation with the Social Department of the City of Munich, Debtor and Insolvency Counselling.

The voluntary home economics counsellors help people to help themselves so that those seeking advice can manage their household and financial tasks independently in the future. They are supported with applications, correspondence and so on. They are also provided with knowledge about consumer rights and obligations as well as information about low-cost and free services in Munich.

The primary aim is to secure their livelihood and maintain their home. In addition to clarifying the household's financial situation, the aim is to achieve a balanced budget, avoid or reduce debt and make financial provisions.

The individual counselling sessions are a low-threshold offer and take place in the households of those seeking advice. The counselling is usually offered for a period of one year with weekly contacts at the beginning. If necessary, the counselling period can be extended. The counselling sessions are confidential. There are no costs for those seeking counselling.


Domestic counselling by volunteer helpers is only provided to Munich citizens on request by the district social workers in Munich's social community centres and takes place in cooperation between the City of Munich and the Verein für Fraueninteressen e.V. (Association for Women's Interests).

Duration & Costs


There are no fees.

Questions & Answers

The counselling service is aimed at Munich residents, primarily low-income households and households in difficult financial situations. You can register for home economics counselling via the district social work department in the social community centres. Information can also be obtained from the debtor and insolvency counselling service of the City of Munich.

Legal basis

The counselling is based, among other things, on the counselling, support and activation provided for in Section 11 (1) and (2) SGB XII. Paragraph 2 specifies budget counselling as a counselling mandate.

Landeshauptstadt München

Schuldner- und Insolvenzberatung, Betreuungsstelle


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Schuldner- und Insolvenzberatung, Betreuungsstelle

Mathildenstraße 3a
80336 München

Fax: +49 89 233-24769


Mathildenstraße 3a
80336 München

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