Water licence - heat pump/ cooling system up to 50kW

Anyone who pumps or infiltrates groundwater via a well and uses it to operate a groundwater heat pump or cooling system requires a permit under water law.


In principle, groundwater-operated heat pumps are possible throughout the city. One exception is the Waldtrudering water conservation area.

It should be noted that in the south of Munich the groundwater is relatively deep (15 to 25 metres) and in districts such as Solln or Großhadern there is very little groundwater in some areas.

We therefore recommend that you ask us about the groundwater levels at your location for reliable planning:

Groundwater information from the Department for Climate and Environmental Protection

Required documents

All documents are required in duplicate on paper and also in digital form.

For projects up to and including 50 kW capacity and outside of contaminated sites entered in the land register and outside of water protection areas:

  • informal letter of application
  • Expertise from a private expert in water management

A separate notification is required for the drilling of wells.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

Up to three months.


Generally up to 200 euros (depending in particular on the heating output and the quantity drawn).

Payment methods available

Legal basis

Sections 8 to 15 of the Federal Water Act (WHG)
Article 70 of the Bavarian Water Act (BayWG)

Landeshauptstadt München

Referat für Klima- und Umweltschutz
Sachgebiet Wasserrecht


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Referat für Klima- und Umweltschutz
Sachgebiet Wasserrecht

Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München


Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München

Monday to Thursday
8 a.m. to 3 p.m

Friday to Friday
8 am to 1 pm


  • Not available:Barrier-free access
  • Not available:Disabled parking

All citizens' offices (4th floor) are barrier-free.

Related services

Advice on the ecological criteria catalogue

If you want to build on a municipal property, you must comply with the ecological criteria catalogue of the City of Munich. We can advise you on this.

Tree felling - protected landscape areas

If you want to cut down a tree or make other changes to a tree in a landscape conservation area, you must submit an application.

Drilling indicator well - heat pump/ cooling system from 50kW

Drilling for the construction of extraction and absorption wells for groundwater heat pumps or cooling systems must be notified in good time before drilling work begins.

Water law permit - building in flood areas

A permit under water law is required for the erection or extension of structures in an identified and mapped floodplain.

Water permit - heat pump/ cooling system from 50kW

Anyone who extracts or infiltrates groundwater via a well and uses it to operate a groundwater heat pump or cooling system requires a water licence.

Water law permit - rainwater infiltration in water protection areas

A permit under water law is required for the extensive infiltration of rainwater into the subsoil in a water protection area.

Completion of the replacement planting

If you have felled a tree, a replacement planting may be required as compensation. The completion of this replanting must be reported.

Display for a garden fountain

If you want to construct a well to water your private garden with the groundwater, you must notify us at least one month in advance.

Drilling indicator well - heat pump/ cooling system up to 50kW

Drilling for the construction of extraction and absorption wells for groundwater heat pumps or cooling systems must be notified in good time before drilling work begins.

Water law permit - construction projects in groundwater

In the course of a construction project, there may be interventions in the groundwater for which a permit under water law is required.