Report incorrect prices
If you have the feeling that someone has labelled their goods incorrectly or overcharged for their services, you can report this to us.
If you have the feeling that a provider has labelled their goods incorrectly or overcharged for their services, you can report this to the district inspectorate. Consumers can also find out about the applicable regulations there. The district inspectorates investigate reports of inadequate price labelling, but have no influence on pricing, i.e. the level of prices. These are generally subject to free competition.
The following generally applies:
Anyone who offers goods or services to end consumers on a commercial or business basis or advertises with prices must state the prices including VAT and other price components (final prices).
Prices must
- be clearly attributable to the offer or advertising,
- easily recognisable,
- clearly legible,
- and otherwise easily recognisable.
In the case of goods offered by weight, volume, length or area, providers must also indicate the prices per unit of quantity including VAT and other price components (basic price) in addition to the final price in its immediate vicinity. The same applies to providers of grid-bound goods such as electricity, water and gas (labour or volume price).
Legal basis
Price Indication Ordinance (PAngV)