Counselling centres for older people and relatives


The counselling centre of the Jewish Community (IKG) supports older members of the community and their relatives. It facilitates access to various facilities and services.

Israelitische Kultusgemeinde München und Oberbayern

Postal address

Fax: +49 89 202400-261


Sankt-Jakobs-Platz 18
80331 München

Related services

Suggestion of legal support

If an adult can no longer manage their own affairs due to a mental illness or disability, you can apply for guardianship.

Support in old age

In its social community centre, older people and their relatives receive advice on issues relating to home and nursing care as well as financial assistance.

Dental home visits for the elderly and people in need of care

If you are unable to visit a dental practice due to personal restrictions, you can arrange a home visit.

Household help

Help for people who need support from others to continue household chores or physical activities.

Counselling for problems in geriatric care

The complaints office advises people in need of care, relatives, legal carers, acquaintances and carers on issues relating to care for the elderly.

Preventive home visits for older people

Preventive home visits are intended to help recognise emergency and dangerous situations among older people at an early stage.

Munich Care Exchange

Whether inpatient care, short-term care, day care, outpatient care or care at home - the Munich Care Exchange helps you to find suitable offers.

Subsidy for meals on wheels/ social lunches

Anyone who is unable to do their shopping or prepare a hot meal can apply for a subsidy for meals on wheels or the social lunch programme.

Advice from the Munich counselling associations

If you have any questions about legal guardianship and pension provision, Munich's guardianship associations can advise you locally, free of charge and confidentially.

Home visits by occupational therapists - THEA mobil

If you suffer from a chronic illness and need occupational therapy but find it too difficult to go to a practice, you can arrange a home visit.