View and collect a lost bike

Has your bike gone missing and would you like to see if it has been handed in to the lost property office? Then you need to make an appointment to view it.


We receive the bicycles that you can view from us from the police. Only the police are authorised to accept found bicycles.

You must make an appointment online to view the bikes in the bike cellar. The inspection takes place on Tuesdays at Ruppertstraße 19, entrance A, room U1001.

We can issue you with an insurance confirmation. A police theft report is required for this.


If you miss your bike, you must file a theft report with the police. The report is a mandatory requirement for us to be able to return a bike to the loser. If the bike turns out not to be stolen, you will have to withdraw the report later.

If your bicycle or similar (such as a scooter or pushchair) is with you, you can only take it with you if you provide us with proof of ownership (e.g. purchase contract, bicycle passport). If required, we can issue you with an insurance certificate.

Required documents

  • Identity card or passport
  • Collection by a third party is possible with ID, written authorisation and a copy of the ID of the person granting the authorisation.
  • Minors require a written authorisation from a parent or legal guardian
  • A theft report to issue an insurance confirmation

Duration & Costs


See overview "Reimbursement of costs" (available for download)

Payment methods available

Landeshauptstadt München

Hauptabteilung III
Gewerbeangelegenheiten und Verbraucherschutz



Ruppertstraße 19
80337 München

By appointment only

Related services

Pick up lost property

Have you been notified that you can collect a lost property item? Then you must make an appointment to collect it.

Report loss - view lost property

If you have lost something, it may take a few days before it is handed in. You can report the loss or view the lost property.

Pick up your bike as a finder

Uncollected bicycles can be collected by the finder. You must arrange a collection date for this.

Hand in lost property

If you have found something that is worth more than ten euros, you must hand it in at a lost property office.

Auction of lost property

The lost property office organises public auctions of unclaimed lost property. The auctions are held online.