Residence permit - researchers and scientific staff
Would you like to start a research project or pursue a scientific activity? If so, you can apply for various residence permits
If the activity is based on an employment relationship, an EU Blue Card, a residence permit for skilled workers with academic training or a residence permit for research purposes may be considered. If there is an employment relationship and the requirements of the above-mentioned titles are not met (e.g. no comparable university degree), a residence permit for other educational purposes can be applied for.
For academic staff who are employed as civil servants by a German employer, a residence permit in accordance with Section 19c (4) AufenthG is possible.
If the research activity is not linked to an employment relationship and the livelihood is secured in another way (for example through a research grant), a residence permit as a researcher is also possible.
If you are from a third country ( non-EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland), you generally need a visa to enter Germany for the purpose of employment, which must be applied for at the German diplomatic mission abroad.
The visa is not required for nationals of Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America. They can apply directly to the Foreigners Office responsible for their place of residence.
After entering the country
You must first register your place of residence in Munich at the Citizens Office.
Application and appointment
You must apply for a residence permit for research before your visa/residence permit expires. If you can enter the country without a visa for this purpose, you must apply for a residence permit at the Foreigners Office within 90 days of entering the country.
Please submit the application form and the required documents online or by post. After your application has been checked, you will receive an appointment for a personal interview.
Period of validity
The residence permit will be issued for at least one year, unless the research project is to be carried out within a shorter period of time.
If you are taking part in an EU or multilateral programme, the residence permit will be extended to two years unless the research project is carried out within a shorter period of time.
The residence permit can be extended if the basic requirements are still met.
- You have a hosting agreement or an employment contract with a recognised or non-recognised research institution.
- Declaration of assumption of costs by the research institution for living expenses and all public costs incurred up to six months after the end of the research activity. If your research activity is mainly financed from public funds, this provision does not apply.
Employment opportunities
With the residence permit, you can work at the research institution named in the employment contract/acceptance agreement. Teaching activities are also possible on a freelance basis.
Job search
Once you have completed your research activities, your residence permit can be extended for up to nine months to enable you to look for a job. The job you are looking for must correspond to your qualifications as a researcher.
Change of research institution or employer
A change of research institution or research project will be granted if the above conditions are met. A change to a residence permit for the purpose of employment after completion of the research project is possible, but the employment sought must be qualified.
Cancellation due to a stay abroad
Your residence permit expires if you do not leave the country for a temporary reason and if you stay abroad for more than six months. You can prevent this by making use of the option of intra-European mobility within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2016/801. Please find out more about this before you leave the country.
Special regulations for asylum seekers
If you fulfil the requirements for a residence permit for researchers, you can also obtain a residence permit during an asylum procedure or after an unappealable rejection of the asylum application.
Residence permit for mobile researchers
You will receive a residence permit for a research stay lasting more than 180 days and a maximum of one year. To do so, you must hold a residence permit (EU) 2016/801 in another member state and submit a hosting agreement or a corresponding contract with the host research institution in Germany.
Short-term mobility for researchers
If you hold a residence permit for research purposes from another EU member state (Directive EU 2016/801) and wish to conduct research in Germany for up to 180 days in a 360-day period, you do not require a German residence permit. The host research institution in Germany must send a notification to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees(BAMF) on your behalf.
Required documents
- fully completed application form
- Valid passport or passport substitute
- biometric passport photo
- Valid visa to enter the country for the purpose of research (if required)
- Proof of health insurance (insurance card or membership certificate). Those with private health insurance must pay attention to the type and scope of their health insurance. Traveller's health insurance is not sufficient.
- Hosting agreement or corresponding employment contract for carrying out the research project
- Fully completed employment insurance(only for first-time applicants, please upload together with the employment contract)
- If your livelihood is not secured through employment, additional proof is required (e.g. scholarship, other funding).
Please note:
Further documents may be required in individual cases.
Questions & Answers
It is possible to change to a residence permit for the purpose of employment after completion of the research project. The employment you are seeking must correspond to your qualifications. The residence permit is issued for up to nine months for the purpose of seeking employment.
German language skills are not required for family reunification for spouses of researchers.
Legal basis
§ Section 18d AufenthG
REST Directive 2016/801(Directive on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purposes of research or study)
Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten
Service-Center für internationale Fachkräfte
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Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten
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80337 München
Only with appointment