Hygiene monitoring Health and personal care

Non-medical beauty care businesses are subject to infection hygiene monitoring by the health authorities in accordance with Section 36 of the Infection Protection Act.


Observance of hygiene rules

Non-medical facilities also offer a wide range of options to change or beautify your appearance according to your individual wishes. Facilities that offer tattooing, piercing, ear piercing, manicures, pedicures, nail care, nail design, pedicures and cosmetic treatments make this possible.

However, pathogens can be transmitted, especially if the work is invasive, i.e. the skin barrier is broken and blood contact occurs. In the worst case scenario, this can result in bacterial infections or viral diseases such as hepatitis B and C or HIV. However, non-invasive measures can also cause infections such as nail fungal infections.

In order to minimise these health risks for customers, various hygiene rules must be observed and adhered to. Every treatment must be carried out in a hygienically correct manner. The generally recognised rules of hygiene must be observed. This includes, among other things, adhering to basic hygiene measures, carrying out regular disinfection measures with tested and VAH-listed disinfectants and correctly reprocessing instruments. This is stipulated in the Bavarian Hygiene Ordinance.

Infection hygiene monitoring of beauty care facilities by the health department

The Environmental Hygiene/Environmental Medicine section of the Health Department inspects hygiene in the aforementioned businesses on an ad hoc basis, particularly in the event of complaints from customers.

The inspections are carried out using checklists. The checklists are used for standardisation purposes, but can also be used by studio operators as a self-monitoring tool for hygiene rules.

Differentiation from medicine

Not only the treatment of illnesses is the practice of medicine. Various measures that serve to beautify, change or rejuvenate healthy people are to be categorised as medicine. This includes, for example, the injection of wrinkles. When carrying out treatments in beauty care businesses, care must therefore always be taken to ensure that no medicine is being practised.

Landeshauptstadt München

Hygiene und Umweltmedizin


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Hygiene und Umweltmedizin

Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München

Fax: +49 89 233-47846


Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München

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