Counselling for religious and ideological diversity

If you have any questions about religion and ideology or cooperation with the City of Munich, we will be happy to advise you.


The specialist counselling service for religious and ideological diversity offers you an open point of contact for questions and concerns relating to religion and ideology.

We support you in contacting the city administration and other organisations. The aim is to reduce discrimination and enable religious and ideological diversity and equal rights.

We offer free counselling in German and English. Other languages on request.

Landeshauptstadt München

Fachstelle für migrationsgesellschaftliche Diversität

Advice is provided in person or by telephone, or on request via a digital platform.

Herr Tuan Tran

Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Fachstelle für migrationsgesellschaftliche Diversität

Franziskanerstraße 8
81669 München


Franziskanerstraße 8
81669 München

Related services

Apply for membership

Anyone wishing to set up a stand for the purpose of recruiting members (including supporting members) requires a special use permit.

Apply for an information stand

You need a special use permit for information stands with religious, ideological, historical or political content on public land.

Posters for elections and political events - exemption authorisation

Anyone wishing to put up posters for elections or political events on public roads outside the authorised areas requires a special permit.