Counselling on the entry of foreign skilled workers

If your company would like to employ foreign skilled workers, we can advise you on entry options and the recognition procedure.


Our services at a glance

  • We advise companies and businesses in Munich and the surrounding area on the accelerated skilled labour procedure and skilled labour immigration.
  • We check the necessity of a recognition procedure.
  • We check the completeness of the available documents with you.
  • We assess the chances of success of the procedure.
  • If necessary, we will refer you to other relevant contact points.
  • We will advise you on any necessary qualification measures.
  • We support you during the recognition and visa procedure for potential skilled workers.

By making use of our counselling services, you agree to our data protection declaration of consent.

Depending on the professional qualification of the skilled worker, there are different counselling centres in Munich.

In addition to the regular visa procedures, since 1 March 2020 employers have been able to apply for the so-called accelerated skilled worker procedure in accordance with Section 81a of the German Residence Act (AufenthG) at the responsible Foreigners Office for a fee of EUR 411.


for the accelerated skilled labour procedure at FizE Munich

  • The company headquarters or place of employment of the skilled worker must be in Munich or the surrounding area (S-Bahn area).
  • For an application under the accelerated skilled labour procedure, there must be a specific job offer and a specific skilled worker.

Required documents

  • Completed and signed counselling form for employers and declaration of consent under data protection law
  • Diploma or degree certificate of the foreign skilled worker
  • Overview of subjects and grades of the foreign skilled worker
  • Curriculum vitae of the foreign skilled worker
  • Copy of the foreign skilled worker's passport (if available)
  • Copy of the employment contract (if available)
  • Copy of the declaration of employment from the Federal Employment Agency (if available)

Duration & Costs

Processing time

After receiving the completed and signed counselling form, the first counselling session will take place within a week.


There are no fees for counselling.

Legal basis

  • Section 16a AufenthG - Vocational training; further vocational training
  • Section 16d AufenthG - Measures for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications
  • Section 18a AufenthG - Skilled workers with vocational training
  • Section 18b AufenthG - Skilled workers with an academic qualification
  • Section 18c AufenthG - Settlement permit for highly qualified persons
  • Section 18d AufenthG - Research
  • Section 19c AufenthG in conjunction with Sections 4 and 6 Employment Ordinance (BeschV) - other employment purposes
  • Section 81a AufenthG - accelerated procedure for skilled workers

Landeshauptstadt München

Abteilung Migration, Integration, Teilhabe
Servicestelle zur Erschließung ausländischer Qualifikationen /
MigraNet (Internationale Fachkräfte)


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Abteilung Migration, Integration, Teilhabe
Servicestelle zur Erschließung ausländischer Qualifikationen /
MigraNet (Internationale Fachkräfte)

Franziskanerstraße 8
81669 München

Fax: +49 89 233-40683


Franziskanerstraße 8
81669 München

Related services

Residence permit - researchers and scientific staff

Would you like to start a research project or pursue a scientific activity? If so, you can apply for various residence permits

Residence permit - contract workers

Are you a foreigner and want to work as a contract worker? You can find the relevant information here.

ICT card (intra-corporate transfer)

The ICT card is a temporary residence permit for intra-company transfers throughout Europe.

Residence permit – recognition of qualifications

If you still need to acquire skills for the full recognition of your professional qualification, you can apply for a residence permit for this period.

Counselling for nursing staff from abroad

Are you working in nursing abroad or have you completed your nursing training abroad?

Residence permit - Job search

This residence permit is for people who are looking for work in Germany that corresponds to their qualifications.

Residence permit for managing directors

The residence permit for managing directors is for persons who are employed or self-employed as managing directors.

Residence permit - civil servants

If you work as a civil servant for a German employer, you will be issued a residence permit to fulfil your official duties.

Immigration counselling for skilled workers

If you are a skilled worker living abroad and would like to work in Munich or the surrounding area, we can offer you advice on recognition, qualifications and immigration.

Residence permit - Qualified tolerated persons

Do you have a tolerated stay permit and would like to pursue employment that corresponds to your professional qualifications? Then you need a residence permit.