
Begging is permitted outside the pedestrian zone. Anyone begging in the Old Town pedestrian zone or on the Oktoberfest grounds is liable to a fine.


Normal, so-called silent begging - also known as "humble begging" - is permitted outside the pedestrian zone in Munich. Anyone begging in the pedestrian zone in the historic city centre is liable to a fine. Begging is also generally prohibited on the Oktoberfest grounds.

A general decree has been in force since 12 August 2014 for begging within the Altstadtring and the central station district. It prohibits begging in certain forms. These include

  • aggressive begging
  • organised or gang begging
  • begging that obstructs traffic
  • begging under the pretence of physical disability and social hardship
  • begging using musical instruments that are not fit for use
  • begging in the company of children or by children
  • begging with animals that lack certain animal welfare certificates

In principle, social services are available to everyone. There is municipal and state aid for those who are really in need, so that nobody has to rely on begging to survive. You must therefore decide for yourself whether someone is dependent on your support. If you would like to make a contribution towards food or clothing, for example, instead of donating money, the use of which you cannot influence, it is advisable to donate to an organisation that distributes food or clothing directly to people living here. This may be more strenuous than giving money quickly on the street, but in the end you will reach people in need directly and more sustainably. Please refrain from donating money if you are harassed, harassed or threatened. Aggressive forms of begging are neither permitted nor acceptable in public spaces.

Please note:
If you want to complain about beggars in general, you can contact the district administration department. If you notice beggars who are aggressive or are clearly organised in gangs, you can also report them directly to the police.

Legal basis

Old town pedestrian zone bylaws (AFS)
Administrative offences law
Oktoberfest Ordinance of 25 July 2012
General ruling against certain forms of begging in parts of the city of Munich

Landeshauptstadt München

Hauptabteilung I Sicherheit und Ordnung, Prävention
Allgemeine Gefahrenabwehr


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung I Sicherheit und Ordnung, Prävention
Allgemeine Gefahrenabwehr

Ruppertstr. 11
80337 München

Fax: +49 89 233-44652


Ruppertstraße 11
80337 München

Lagehinweis: Eingang C

Related services

Debtor and insolvency counselling of the City of Munich

Counselling and help with debt and over-indebtedness, out-of-court settlements with creditors, support in applying for consumer insolvency proceedings.

Home economics counselling for indebted families

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Household budget counselling - FIT-FinanzTraining

If you have difficulties with your finances, FIT-FinanzTraining will support you with personalised advice on your financial situation.

Application for foundation funds - private individual in an emergency situation

Have you been living in Munich for at least a year, are in need and are in an emergency situation? Then you can apply for foundation funds.

Care, integration and accommodation of refugees

If you are homeless in Munich and have fled from another country, there is the possibility of temporary accommodation with socio-pedagogical support.

Emergency services and help for homeless people

Are you homeless? Have you come across a homeless person who needs help? Here you will find an overview of contact points and emergency services in Munich.

Accommodation for existing homelessness

Have you lost your flat? We can provide you with temporary accommodation and help you find a new, permanent home.