Promotion of care transition

Termination of the "Promotion of care transition" programme on 31.12.2024.


25 years of voluntary funding programme for care transition
The City of Munich has funded a voluntary support programme for care transition in Munich care facilities for 25 years until 2024. It was a response by the Munich City Council to the reports of the complaints centre for problems in long-term care.

Most recently, more than 50 fully inpatient care facilities in Munich were funded with around 40,000 euros per full-time position each year. In the early years, the qualification of care referrals was subsidised according to a specially developed curriculum. In 2006, an evaluation was carried out by the Catholic Foundation University in Munich. The work of the care transitions was based on a concept that was constantly updated and coordinated with the providers.

In 2023, the Munich City Council decided to end the voluntary "Care Transition" programme on 31 December 2024. From 2025, the funds released from this programme will be used to finance school social work in vocational schools for nursing and to increase the voluntary services of the "in-house day care" programme.

In October 2024, a celebration to mark the 25th anniversary of the funding programme was held with the care transition teams, facility and care service managers of the fully inpatient care facilities in Munich, representatives of the providers and associations and caregivers to honour the work of those employed in care transition.

Funding for the year 2024
In 2024, the care transition programme will be funded for the last time with a personnel cost subsidy in accordance with the guidelines.

In order to prove the use of the subsidy, the reporting form for 2024 must be completed in full and submitted by 31 March 2025.

In addition, the annual wage account (statement of monthly wage costs plus employer's contribution) for 2024 for the funded position must also be submitted by 31 March 2025.

Task of the care transition
The care transition officer, a registered nursing professional, supports and accompanies people when they move into a full inpatient care facility. They perform the following tasks in particular:

- Advising and informing
- Organising and coordinating the move into the care facility
- Accompanying during the familiarisation period
- Handing over information to the care team

Landeshauptstadt München

Altenhilfe und Pflege


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Altenhilfe und Pflege

Sankt-Martin-Straße 53
81669 München


Sankt-Martin-Straße 53
81669 München

Related services

Promotion of in-house day care

As a full inpatient care facility, you can receive a personnel cost subsidy for a specialist for in-house day care in accordance with the guidelines.

Promotion of further and advanced training (outpatient and day care)

As an outpatient or day-care facility, you can receive funding for supervision, further education and training.

Investment support for full inpatient/short-term care

As a full inpatient facility or short-term care facility, you can receive investment funding for new construction, conversion and modernisation measures.

Start-up funding for innovative outpatient care services

Projects for residential care communities, residential groups for people with disabilities and innovative forms of care are financially supported in the start-up phase.

Registration of outpatient care services

Anyone who provides or offers reserved activities in care in return for payment must notify the responsible health authority immediately.

Investment support for outpatient care services

As an outpatient care service, you can receive investment support in accordance with the guidelines and the budget funds available.

Investment support for day-care centres

Suspension of investment funding for applications from January 2025

Promotion of intercultural openness in care for the elderly

As an organisation providing open support for the elderly, you can receive funding for further training and workshops on intercultural openness (IKÖ).

Promotion of further and advanced training (inpatient care)

As a fully inpatient care facility, you can receive funding for supervision, further education and training.