E-taxi support programme

The City of Munich is subsidising the purchase of electric taxis. Applications for the new e-taxi subsidy programme can be submitted from 1 January 2024.


Overview of the subsidy programme

  • 10.000 per vehicle (for net acquisition costs of less than 30,000 euros, the subsidy amounts to one third of these costs)
  • Climate speed bonus of ten per centof the subsidy amount (maximum 1,000 euros) for the first 100 vehicles, provided that the vehicle is ordered within two months of the application being approved.
  • The subsidy must be indicated by a sticker on the e-taxi, which is specified by the Department for Climate and Environmental Protection.
  • Duration: 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2025(or until the funding is exhausted)
  • If youwould like to convertyour taxi into an inclusive taxi, additional funding is available. You can find more information in the link list.

Information on the expired e-taxi funding programme (2017 to 2023) can be found at the end of the "Questions & Answers" section.


E-taxis with a licence in accordance with Section 47 of the Passenger Transport Act (PbefG) that are operated purely on battery power are eligible for funding. In addition, the following requirements apply:

  • Taxi companies with authorisation in accordance with § 47 PbefG with registered office or branch in the Munich city area.
  • 36-month holding period for subsidised e-taxis
  • Within the holding period, the e-taxi must cover at least 30,000 kilometres in passenger transport (10,000 kilometres per year). To this end, the journey data is transmitted to the City of Munich once a year.
  • built-in fiscal taximeter

Required documents

Applications are submitted exclusively via the online funding portal.

No documents are required for the application.

Documents are only required with the proof of utilisation. Further information on the proof of utilisation can be found in the funding guidelines in the list of links and under "Questions & Answers".

Duration & Costs


There are no fees.

Questions & Answers

E-taxis with authorisation in accordance with § 47 PbefG that are purely battery-electric. Vehicles with range extenders are not subsidised.

Yes, but only with a dealer invoice (no purchase from private individuals). Both the purchase and leasing of used and new vehicles are subsidised with one third of the net acquisition costs up to a maximum of 10,000 euros.

Yes, the e-taxi must cover at least 30,000 kilometres in passenger transport within the holding period (10,000 kilometres per year). For this purpose, the journey data is transmitted to the City of Munich once a year.

The e-taxi must be used as a taxi in the City of Munich for at least three years from the date of payment of the subsidy.

Taxi companies with a registered office or branch in Munich.

Applications can only be submitted via the online funding portal. You will find the link to the funding portal under "Links & Downloads". Please also note the instructions for registering in the funding portal.

The e-taxi may only be ordered / purchased / leased after the application has been approved. The only exceptions to this are vehicles that are on the waiting list for the old e-taxi funding programme.

The climate speed bonus is possible for 100 vehicles and must be applied for separately. In order to receive the bonus, proof of the order must be provided in the proof of use within two months of the application being approved.

The where-used list can only be submitted once the application has been approved and the project has been implemented. This is also done via the online funding portal (link under "Links & Downloads").

  • Copy of the purchase contract or copy of the invoice or leasing contract
  • Copy of the vehicle registration document
  • Proof of the vehicle identification number
  • Extract from the authorisation certificate for passenger transport
  • Proof of order with date, if applicable

It is no longer possible to submit new applications for e-taxi funding via occupied kilometres. Applications that have already been approved will continue to be settled. Billing takes place every six months at a rate of EUR 0.20 per e-occupied kilometre driven. The procedure does not change as a result of the new funding guideline.

Legal basis

The e-taxi funding programme is a voluntary service provided by the City of Munich. There is no legal entitlement to grants. Allocations are made within the framework of the funds available under budgetary law.

Landeshauptstadt München

Referat für Klima- und Umweltschutz
Sachgebiet Klimaneutrale Antriebe


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Referat für Klima- und Umweltschutz
Sachgebiet Klimaneutrale Antriebe

Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München


Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München

Related services

Passenger transport licence - Application

Anyone wishing to transport passengers commercially by taxi, hire car, scheduled and excursion services or on demand needs a passenger transport licence.

Collection of passenger transport licences

When your passenger transport licence is ready for collection, you can make an appointment online to collect it.

Taxi or hire car - submit documents later

You have submitted an application in accordance with the Passenger Transport Act, but would like to submit additional documents?

Taxi or hire car registration

Would you like to register or re-register a taxi or hire car for the first time? Then you must fulfil certain requirements.

Vehicle change taxi or hire car

If you operate a taxi, excursion, holiday destination or hire car company, you must have your vehicles registered in the licence certificate.

Excursions with passenger cars

Do you want to transport people for a fee or for business purposes? Then you need a licence. Economic benefits are also regarded as remuneration.

Car hire authorisation

Anyone who transports people in a hire car for a fee or for business purposes requires a licence. Economic benefits are also regarded as remuneration.

Submit motor vehicle main inspection report

Anyone who operates commercially in occasional transport must submit reports on the annual general inspection of motor vehicles without delay.

Commencement of operations of a taxi or hire car company

Have you bought a taxi or hire car company? Then you must commence operations within the period specified in the authorisation notice.

Taxi licence

Anyone wishing to transport people by taxi for a fee or for business purposes requires a licence. Economic benefits are also regarded as remuneration.