Report tree damage (during construction work)

If trees are damaged without authorisation, owners or polluters can be obliged to restore or plant replacement trees.


If a tree is so damaged that its preservation is no longer in the public interest, a tree protection procedure is carried out.

Required documents

Felling application with location sketch and informative pictures

Legal basis

Bavarian Building Code, Tree Protection Ordinance, Nature Conservation Act

Landeshauptstadt München

Referat für Stadtplanung und Bauordnung
Abt. 5 Baumschutz und Freiflächengestaltung


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Referat für Stadtplanung und Bauordnung
Abt. 5 Baumschutz und Freiflächengestaltung

Blumenstraße 28b
80331 München

Fax: +49 89 233-25869


Blumenstraße 28b
80331 München

We are closed to the public, the service telephones are manned.

Advice centre:
Monday to Friday (except Wednesday)
9 a.m. to 12 p.m
Tuesday and Thursday
13.30 to 16 o'clock

Telephone counselling:
Monday to Thursday
9 a.m. to 4 p.m
9 to 12 a.m

Related services

Water law permit - geothermal probe/ geothermal collector

A permit under water law is required for the construction of a geothermal system (probe, collector, baskets or similar) with groundwater contact.

Display for a garden fountain

If you want to construct a well to water your private garden with the groundwater, you must notify us at least one month in advance.

Water law permit - building in flood areas

A permit under water law is required for the erection or extension of structures in an identified and mapped floodplain.

Water law permit - rainwater infiltration in water protection areas

A permit under water law is required for the extensive infiltration of rainwater into the subsoil in a water protection area.

Water permit - heat pump/ cooling system from 50kW

Anyone who extracts or infiltrates groundwater via a well and uses it to operate a groundwater heat pump or cooling system requires a water licence.

Tree felling - Protected tree species

In Munich, certain trees are specially protected by the Tree Protection Ordinance. These trees may only be cut down or pruned with authorisation.

Completion of the replacement planting

If you have felled a tree, a replacement planting may be required as compensation. The completion of this replanting must be reported.

Water licence - heat pump/ cooling system up to 50kW

Anyone who pumps or infiltrates groundwater via a well and uses it to operate a groundwater heat pump or cooling system requires a permit under water law.

Drilling indicator well - heat pump/ cooling system from 50kW

Drilling for the construction of extraction and absorption wells for groundwater heat pumps or cooling systems must be notified in good time before drilling work begins.

Drilling indicator well - heat pump/ cooling system up to 50kW

Drilling for the construction of extraction and absorption wells for groundwater heat pumps or cooling systems must be notified in good time before drilling work begins.