Youth labour protection
Exemptions from youth labour protection for children under the age of 15 for creative/artistic participation in events and productions.
Statement for exemption authorisation in accordance with Section 6 of the Youth Employment Protection Act (JArbSchG)
In principle, children under the age of 15 may not be employed (§ 5 JArbSchG). However, the competent authorities may grant exemptions for
- Theatre, music and other performances,
- Advertising events,
- Recordings on the radio (radio and television), on audio and video media and for film and photo shoots.
Legal regulations
In the context of theatre performances, children over the age of six may perform for up to four hours a day from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. (§ 6 Para. 1, No. 1 JArbSchG).
In the context of music performances and other performances, at advertising events and during recordings on the radio (radio and television), on sound and image carriers and during film and photo shoots, children
- over three and up to six years of age up to two hours a day between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m,
- over the age of six up to three hours a day between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m,
and participate in the necessary rehearsals (§ 6 Para. 1, No. 2a, b JArbSchG).
The supervisory authority (trade supervisory office) may only authorise employment under certain conditions after consulting the responsible youth welfare office. For example, supervision of the children, presence of the required signatures, conditions for protection against impairment (§ 6 Para. 2 JArbSchG).
In principle, a recent statement from a (paediatric) doctor is also required. If the work takes place during school hours, the school must also give its consent.
The application for this exemption licence must be submitted (usually by the production companies) to the responsible trade supervisory office. For Munich and the surrounding area:
Trade Supervisory Office
Government of Upper Bavaria
Heßstraße 130
80797 Munich
Tel. (089) 2176 - 1
Fax (089) 2176 - 3102
Important for production companies: If projects with more than 10 children are planned, please contact us in advance.
Residence of the child in Munich
Required documents
- The fully completed application with all information about the child, name of the production, the production period, actual days of employment of the child and the signatures of the legal guardians (point 1 of the application)
- The supplementary sheet provided for the statement (point 4 of the application)
- The completed and signed point 5 of the application (declaration of consent to the collection, processing and use of personal data)
- Information on the content: role of the child in the overall context, plot, screenplay, etc.
NEW: - Written or verbal information about the SARS-CoV-2 safety and hygiene concept of the productions/agencies
- The declaration of consent to the hygiene concept signed by the legal guardians, if SARS-CoV-2 tests or antibody tests are planned by the productions/agencies and information on the number and type (throat/throat/nose swab) of tests.
Questions & Answers
All children between the ages of three and under 15 who are involved in performances or recordings.
All children with a registered place of residence in Munich (postcode 80000 - 81999).
- declaration of consent by the legal guardian on a form with data on the child
- Form with statements from doctor, school, youth welfare office (in any order)
- If necessary, a short expose on film or photo shoots after consultation with the Youth Welfare Office
after receipt of the applicant's complete documents, a processing time of about 1 week must be expected, depending on the workload.
You can send us the documents by e-mail ( or by fax (233-49963). Please state your telephone number for queries and the fax number to be returned on the fax. Personal appointments can be arranged by telephone in advance.
Legal basis
Youth Labour Protection Act (JArbSchG)
Postal address
Landeshauptstadt München
Luitpoldstraße 3
80335 München
Fax: +49 89 233-49630
Luitpoldstraße 3
80335 München
Please make an appointment in advance.