War victims' welfare benefits

The benefits serve to compensate for damage to health as a result of war, military or civilian service or political imprisonment.


The benefits serve to compensate for damage to health caused by war, military or civilian service or political imprisonment. Injured persons and their family members
and surviving dependants are to be supported in all circumstances in order to adequately mitigate the economic consequences of the injury.

War victims' welfare is referred to as such because it is the largest group of beneficiaries, but includes all welfare benefits under social compensation law. War victims' welfare benefits serve to cover current needs. They are generally granted on application and are dependent on the use of income and assets, unless the need is exclusively related to the damage. The amount of the cash benefits is calculated according to the difference between the need to be recognised and the income and assets to be used, whereby here too, as in social welfare, there areprotection amounts and asset exemption limits, the amount of which depends on the specifics of the individual case.

War victims' welfare benefits are:

  • Benefits for participation in working life
  • Sickness benefit
  • Care assistance
  • Assistance in maintaining the household
  • Assistance for the elderly
  • Education allowance
  • supplementary living assistance inside and outside institutions
  • Recreational assistance
  • Housing assistance
  • Assistance in special circumstances

Required documents

  • Assessment notice from the pension office (ZBFS) regarding the recognised health impairments
  • current proof of income and assets
  • Proof of the costs of accommodation

Duration & Costs


There are no fees.

Questions & Answers

The supra-local war victims' welfare organisation is responsible for assistance with care in institutions. For beneficiaries who had their habitual residence in Munich before entering a care home, this is the district of Upper Bavaria.

Legal basis

§§ Sections 25 - 27j of the Federal Pension Act (BVG)

Landeshauptstadt München

Hilfe zur Lebensführung in Einrichtungen, Kriegsopferfürsorge


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Hilfe zur Lebensführung in Einrichtungen, Kriegsopferfürsorge

Sankt-Martin-Straße 53
81669 München

Fax: +49 89 233-68499


Sankt-Martin-Straße 53
81669 München

Related services

Objection to health, long-term care or accident insurance

If you wish to appeal against your health, accident, long-term care insurance or severe disability, you can make an appointment for a personal consultation.

Notarisation for pension purposes

Original or officially certified documents must be submitted to the institution in order to provide evidence of periods in the statutory pension insurance scheme.

Waiting period information from the statutory pension insurance scheme

For your naturalisation or settlement permit, you can apply for proof of months of contributions to the statutory pension insurance scheme.

Objection to the pension

If you would like to lodge an appeal against decisions made by your pension insurance company, you can arrange a personal consultation appointment.

Survivors' pension (on-site appointment)

If you would like to apply for a survivor's pension, you can make an appointment in person.

Reduced earning capacity pension (telephone appointment)

If you would like to apply for your reduced earning capacity pension, you can make an appointment by telephone.

Account clarification

If you live or work in Munich, you can contact the KVR insurance office to clarify your account.

Old-age pension (on-site appointment)

If you would like to apply for your old-age pension, you can make an appointment in person.

Information on survivors' pensions (telephone appointment)

If you have any questions about the surviving dependants' pension from the statutory pension insurance scheme, you can arrange a telephone consultation.

Pension information (telephone appointment)

If you have any questions about statutory pension insurance, you can make an appointment for a telephone consultation.