Death certificate in the event of death abroad

If German nationals have died abroad, you as a relative can have the death certified in Germany.


A proper foreign death certificate is considered proof of the death.

However, it can happen that the details of the deceased person are not shown correctly or that no death certificate has been issued. It is then advisable to submit an application for subsequent authentication.

According to German law, a death must be notarised at the registry office of the place of death. Death certificates are issued from the death register, which are conclusive for and against anyone in Germany.

Foreign death certificates are subject to the free evaluation of evidence by German authorities and courts. If the name or marital status of the deceased person is incorrectly stated in a foreign certificate, this can lead to problems.

In some countries, relatives do not receive a death certificate, but only a medical certificate.

In this case, it makes sense to have the death certified at the German registry office. All data will be checked from the perspective of German law and, if necessary, missing information will be added.

However, there is no obligation to obtain a subsequent certificate!

Responsible is:

  1. The registry office in whose district the deceased person was resident
  2. If the deceased person lived abroad, the registry office in whose district they last lived
  3. If there was never a place of residence in Germany, the registry office in whose district the applicant lives
  4. If they live abroad, the registry office in whose district they last lived
  5. if none of these apply, the registry office I in Berlin


The subsequent certification of a death is possible if the deceased person had German citizenship by descent, naturalisation or adoption. The same applies to stateless persons, homeless foreigners and foreign refugees.

Parents or children of the deceased person or the person who was married or partnered with the deceased at the time of death are eligible to apply.

Required documents

Please contact us via our contact form for advice and to submit your existing documents in advance. These can be

  • Death certificate
  • Birth certificate of the deceased person
  • Marriage certificate/ civil partnership certificate of the deceased person
  • Death certificate of the predeceased spouse/partner
  • Court order on the dissolution of the last marriage/ civil partnership
  • Other documents relating to individual cases
  • Foreign-language documents in multilingual form or together with a translation (publicly appointed and sworn translators)

Duration & Costs

Processing time

If you submit your request via our contact form, the registry office will contact you, discuss your request and arrange an appointment with you.


Depending on the cost, between 50 and 100 euros.

Legal basis

§ 36 PStG

Landeshauptstadt München

Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten
Standesamt München


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten
Standesamt München

Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München

Fax: +49 89 233-44379


Ruppertstraße 11
80337 München

By appointment only

Related services

Assumption of funeral costs

In Germany, relatives of deceased persons must make funeral arrangements. In some cases, the Office for Social Security covers the costs.

Anonymous burial

In the anonymous burial ground at the Waldfriedhof cemetery, urns are buried anonymously outside cemetery opening hours and without relatives.

Urn burial

The urn burial, together with the coffin or burial in the ground, is the service offered by Munich Municipal Cemeteries in the funeral business.

Coffin burial

The municipal cemeteries offer coffin or earth burial. We discuss dates and details personally with the client.

Burial under trees

Urn burial plots under trees are offered in selected near-natural burial plots in the forest cemetery.

Burial of foetuses and stillborn children

At the Waldfriedhof cemetery, parents of stillborn children and foetuses have the opportunity to have their children buried in a communal area.

Burial ex officio

Deceased persons for whom no burial order is issued are buried ex officio.

Death certificate

The registry office issues death certificates after a death. As a rule, the appointed funeral parlour takes care of registering the death.

Conclusion of a funeral contract

We offer the complete organisation of a funeral or repatriation. Our services correspond to those of private funeral parlours.

Burial in the hedge gardens

The "Heckengärten" at the Perlacher Forst cemetery is the first maintenance-free communal burial ground where coffins and urns can be buried together.