Honorary judges

in 2024, honorary judges will be elected for the Bavarian Administrative Court in Munich. If you are interested, you can put your name down.


Honorary judges at the administrative court take part in the hearing and the judgement to the same extent and with the same voting rights as professional judges and bear the same responsibility for the decision. They are therefore subject to a duty of special loyalty to the constitution.

The administrative courts are generally responsible for all public law disputes. The main task of the administrative courts is to scrutinise measures of public authority that affect citizens' rights.

Classic areas of administrative jurisdiction include building law, road law, environmental law, civil service law, municipal law, police law, immigration and asylum law, school and university law, water law and disputes over municipal charges.

The subject of a hearing can therefore be, for example, a building application, a dispute about the allocation of university places or driving licence matters.

It is precisely because the administrative courts have to rule on everyday cases that lay judges are involved in the administration of justice alongside professional judges.

The next term of office begins on 1 April 2025 and ends on 31 March 2030. The election of the honorary administrative judges takes place in a two-stage process.

  • the district administration department is currently drawing up a list of candidates from all citizens of Munich based on the declarations received. The decision on this list of nominees is made by the city council.
  • The final selection is then made by the Election Committee at the Bavarian Administrative Court in Munich. Only persons on the list of nominees can be elected.

The Bavarian Administrative Court in Munich notifies the appointed persons directly.

If you are interested in the honorary office, please send us your declaration by 9 August 2024 at the latest.


  • Possession of German citizenship
  • Main or secondary residence is in Munich
  • You must be at least 25 years old at the start of the term of office on 1 April 2025

In addition, you should understand and speak German in order to be able to actively participate in the negotiations and be in good health to fulfil the honorary office.

The following persons cannot be appointed:

  • Persons who work full-time in or for the judiciary (e.g. judges, notaries, lawyers and persons who deal with legal matters on behalf of third parties)
  • Civil servants and employees in the public sector, unless they are working in an honorary capacity
  • Professional soldiers and temporary soldiers
  • Members of the Bundestag, the European Parliament, the legislative bodies of a federal state (state parliament), the federal government or a state government
  • Persons who have been disqualified from holding public office by a court or who are the subject of preliminary proceedings with possible consequences
  • Persons who have been sentenced to more than six months' imprisonment for an intentional offence
  • Persons who do not have the right to vote for legislative bodies
  • Persons who have violated the principles of humanity or the rule of law
  • Persons who were full-time or unofficial employees of the State Security Service of the former GDR

Interested parties should also not be in a state of insolvency and should not have made an affidavit regarding their assets.

Required documents

If you wish to receive the declarations, please send us an informal message (by telephone or letter) with the following details:

  • Surname, first names
  • Date of birth
  • current address in Munich
  • Profession and employer

Please send the completed and signed declarations by 9 August 2024 at the latest to

District Administration Department
Department II, Citizens' Affairs
Citizens Office
Information, blocking
Ruppertstr. 19
80466 Munich

Duration & Costs


free of charge

Questions & Answers

Employers may not dismiss or otherwise discriminate against administrative judges simply because they have taken on or are exercising the office.

Exemption from a hearing is only possible if attendance would result in a serious economic disadvantage.

Honorary judges receive compensation in accordance with the Judicial Remuneration and Compensation Act (JVEG) (e.g. loss of earnings, compensation for disadvantages in housekeeping, reimbursement of travelling expenses)

If the number of administrative judges required is not reached by volunteers, people are drawn from the Munich population register in compliance with the legal requirements. In principle, anyone who fulfils the necessary requirements is obliged to accept and perform the office.

If you belong to the following group of people, you can decline the office:

  • Clergy and religious ministers

  • Lay judges and honorary judges from other branches of the judiciary

  • Persons who have served two terms of office as honorary judges in courts of general administrative jurisdiction

  • Doctors, nurses or nurse practitioners, midwives

  • Pharmacy managers who do not employ any other pharmacists

  • Persons who have reached the standard retirement age according to the German Social Security Code (65 years or older)

They are prepared for their task. You will receive information about your role, rights and duties in a training course.

The number of hearing days is calculated in such a way that each honorary judgeor each honorary judge is expected to attend a maximum oftwelve hearing days per year.

Persons exercising an honorary office may be released from a specific hearing day for compelling reasons (e.g. illness, accident, holiday or unavoidable and overriding professional obligations). The decision is made by the chairperson of the court.

Legal basis

  • Article 33 of the Basic Law
  • Civil rights: § 28 and §§ 20 - 22 of the Administrative Court Code (VwGO)

Landeshauptstadt München

Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten
Bürgerbüro Auskünfte, Sperren

Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten
Bürgerbüro Auskünfte, Sperren

Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München


Ruppertstraße 19
80337 München


  • Available:Barrier-free access
  • Not available:Disabled parking

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