Jagd, Fischerei, Waffen

Sie jagen, fischen oder schießen in Ihrer Freizeit? So beantragen Sie die notwendigen Genehmigungen.

Aktuelle Meldungen


  • Apply for a hunting licence

    With a hunting licence, you are allowed to hunt and purchase hunting weapons in Germany. In addition, you always require the authorisation of the respective hunting ground owner.

  • Wildlife and hunting in the city

    Numerous wild animal species live in the city. As humans and wild animals have to share the same habitat, problems can arise.


Waffen und Waffenbesitz

  • Apply for a firearms licence

    You require a firearms licence to carry firearms that do not bear the corresponding "PTB" test mark.

  • Apply for a gun licence

    If you want to buy and own firearms, you must apply for a firearms licence. Certain weapons with test marks are exempt from this requirement.

  • Possess and acquire ammunition

    You need a licence to purchase and possess ammunition. A purchase licence is also valid as a permit for possession.

  • Small firearms licence

    If you wish to carry a gas, alarm or signal weapon in public, you must apply for a small firearms licence.

  • European firearms pass

    If you want to take firearms with you when travelling in the EU, for example on hunting trips or for competitions, you need a European firearms pass.



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