Vocational orientation at secondary and special schools - JADE

If your child attends a secondary school or special school, is looking for an apprenticeship or an internship, the JADE project staff can help.


JADE helps pupils from the 8th and 9th grades at Munich secondary schools and support centres

  • with career orientation,
  • in choosing a career,
  • with the choice of training,
  • in the search for an internship,
  • arranging contacts with training and internship companies and / or
  • practising job interviews and online applications.

The social pedagogues accompany and support the pupils and their parents until they leave the regular or German class. You can contact the JADE staff directly at your secondary school or special school.

The aim of JADE is to achieve a vocational or academic qualification through the greatest possible individual support, which enables a self-determined and self-financed life in the long term.
Youth welfare services, schools, the employment agency and, in some cases, volunteers work together to ensure that all participating pupils make a successful transition from secondary school or special school to working life. JADE stands for "Taking young people by the hand and accompanying them" and is a cooperation project between the government of Upper Bavaria, the City of Munich, the Department of Education and Sport and the Department of Social Affairs, the Employment Agency and the Munich Job Centre.

Information and contact details for JADE can also be found on the websites of the respective secondary schools, special educational support centres and special schools for emotional and social development.


JADE is offered to all pupils in Year 8 and 9 at secondary schools, special educational support centres and special schools for emotional and social development. Participation is voluntary and ends when the pupil leaves the above-mentioned school.

Required documents

In order to participate, a declaration of consent signed by parents and pupils must be submitted. The declaration of consent is issued by the respective school.

Questions & Answers

Pupils who transfer from other types of school to secondary school during the school year can also take part in JADE. All they need is a declaration of consent from their parents.

No, only the precise careers guidance, JADE and careers counsellors work hand in hand.

Not at the moment. But it is in preparation.

No, JADE is only available at secondary schools and special schools.

No, only at special schools that co-operate with the City of Munich.

Landeshauptstadt München

Referat für Bildung und Sport
Schulsozialarbeit / JADE

Andreas Rohe, Daniela Burghard


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Referat für Bildung und Sport
Schulsozialarbeit / JADE

Bayerstraße 28
80335 München


Bayerstraße 28
80335 München

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