Municipal budget

They can apply for grants from the borough budget for their own projects or propose measures to be implemented by the city administration.


Grants for your own project

Grants are only awarded upon written application. The application form to be used can be found under Links & Downloads. The completed application must be received by the City of Munich at least six weeks before the realisation or implementation of your project. After checking whether the project is generally eligible for funding, the locally responsible district committee will decide at a regular meeting whether to award the grant. If the district committee agrees, the funds can be utilised shortly afterwards. This is a voluntary benefit that is granted by the City of Munich on the recommendation of the locally responsible district committee. There is no legal entitlement. After completion of the project, proof of use must be submitted with a factual report and a statement of account.

For citizens' own projects, gender-specific needs in the district, accessibility and the fair trade concept and climate and environmental protection should be taken into account when procuring items.

Further information and counselling services:

  • General information on accessibility
  • Information on accessibility at events
  • General information on environmental and climate protection
  • General information on fair trade and sustainability in procurement
  • Advice on sustainable procurement
  • For funding requirements and application procedures, see Links & Downloads. There you will also find contact details for any enquiries.

Proposal for a municipal service in the borough

All citizens can submit ideas and suggestions for measures that the city administration should implement in a city district. All things that relate to a city district and are part of the range of services offered by the city administration can be considered. Examples include the installation of additional benches or rubbish bins in public squares or parks, the installation of bicycle stands, additional play equipment in public playgrounds, public sports equipment (such as boules, calisthenics or table tennis) or smaller remodelling measures in public spaces. You can find a comprehensive catalogue of examples in the Links & Downloads section. You can send an informal proposal - please state the borough and the exact location - to The district committee may discuss your proposal in a public meeting and decide whether it will be passed on to the city administration for consideration. After the review, which may take some time, the district committee will make a final decision on the implementation or funding of the measure. Implemented measures are published on the Internet on an ongoing basis.

If you have any questions about the status of a proposal for the implementation of a measure in the borough or would like to get in touch with contact persons in the individual borough committees, please get in touch with the locally responsible borough committee office. You can find them under Forms & Links.

Please make an appointment in advance.


Grants for your own project As an association, initiative or other organisation, but also as an individual, you can apply for financial support for your own project, event or other action. Projects that promote and enrich community life in the borough can be subsidised. The project must be able to be assigned to a specific subject area, further information can be found in the borough budget guidelines in the Links & Downloads section.

Proposal for a municipal service in the borough All citizens* can submit ideas and proposals for measures that the municipal administration should implement in a borough. All things that relate to a city district and are part of the range of services offered by the city administration can be considered as measures.

Required documents

Grants are only awarded upon written application. The application form to be used can be found in the Links & Downloads section.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

  • Application for funding from the borough budget:
    The processing time is around six to eight weeks.
  • Proposal for a municipal service in the borough: The processing time is at least three to six months.


No fees are charged.

Questions & Answers

I) Grants for your own civic projects

What type of project, event or action can I apply for a grant for?

Grants can be awarded for various projects. It is important that a project promotes and enriches community life in the borough and can be assigned to one of the following subject areas:

  • Health and environment
  • Gender equality
  • Inclusion
  • Integration and migration
  • Culture
  • Youth and social affairs
  • School and sport
  • Senior citizens
  • Play
  • Neighbourhood development

Which district committee is responsible?

Projects should promote and enrich community life in the district. This results in a local connection. Depending on where your project is to be realised, the local district committee is responsible. In exceptional cases, you can also submit applications to several district committees if your project covers several districts. You can find a link to an overview of Munich's 25 city districts and district committees in the Links & Downloads section.

In what form do I have to submit an application?

Applications for grants for your own civic projects must be submitted in writing. The form for an application for grants from the borough budget must be used for this. This can be found in the Links & Downloads section. Please note that the completed and signed application must be received by the City of Munich at least six weeks before the realisation or implementation of your project.

Can I also apply for a grant as a private individual?

Yes, private individuals can also apply for a grant as an individual or initiative.

In the case of applicants without their own legal personality (e.g. initiatives), at least two members of the initiative, who are also de facto liable, must assume joint and several liability for the proper use of the funds for the project. To this end, a declaration of liability must be signed by these persons on the application form.

Can I submit an application for a multi-year project?

No, the duration of the project to be funded is limited to a maximum of one year.

Do I have to contribute / use my own financial resources?

Applicants should contribute an appropriate amount of their own funds. As a guideline, 25% of the total costs of the project are expected. If no own funds or only own funds amounting to less than 25% of the total costs can be provided, an informal justification must be attached to the application.

How much funding can I apply for?

It is not possible to make a reliable statement about the possible funding amount in advance. Grants awarded in the past have ranged from low three-digit amounts to mid-five-digit amounts. The amount of funding is decided by the relevant district committee on the basis of the application submitted. The district committee is also free to grant a reduced amount of funding, e.g. only for parts of the project. If in doubt, it is worth contacting the relevant district committee in advance. Contact persons can be found in the Links & Downloads section.

Which costs can be reimbursed?

A detailed list of eligible and non-eligible costs can be found in the district budget guidelines under points 6 and 7. In principle, with a few exceptions, only costs incurred after receipt of the application by the City of Munich can be settled. This also applies to expenses resulting from contracts or other obligations.

II) Proposal for a municipal service in the city district

What happens to my proposal?

Your proposal for a service to be implemented by the city administration in a city district will first be forwarded to the locally responsible district committee. The district committee discusses your proposal at a monthly meeting and decides whether it will be forwarded to the city administration for consideration for implementation. Proposals that are forwarded to the city administration are checked there for their technical, legal and economic feasibility. Based on the results of the review, the district committee can decide on the implementation of the service, which is financed from the district committee's budget. Implemented municipal services are published online on an ongoing basis. Services that have been realised are published on the Internet on an ongoing basis.

Who can submit proposals?

All citizens can submit proposals to the relevant local district committee.

What type of proposal is permitted?

Proposals should relate to services within a city district. Otherwise, all things within the city administration's range of services can be proposed. As this is a new service, the list of examples will be updated on an ongoing basis. There is no empirical data on the chances of success of individual proposals. You can find a list of examples in the Links & Downloads section.

Legal basis

§ 10 (Right to make decisions within the framework of the district budget) of the statutes for the district committees of the City of Munich (see under "Links & Downloads")

Please note that this information is only an extract from the district budget guidelines. We strongly advise you to read the guidelines before applying for funding for your own project. If you have any further questions, please refer to the Contact section.

Landeshauptstadt München

Hauptabteilung II
Abteilung für Bezirksausschussangelegenheiten


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung II
Abteilung für Bezirksausschussangelegenheiten

Marienplatz 8
80331 München


Marienplatz 8
80331 München

Room: 270


Bitte vereinbaren Sie im Voraus einen Termin.

Public transport

Related services

Citizens' information from the district committees

The district committee offices support the work of the district committees and are the point of contact for citizens in matters relating to the district committees.

Citizens' advice from the Lord Mayor

We will pass on your concerns to the mayor or the second or third mayoress, advise you on the help available and put you in touch with the relevant authorities

Delegation visits to the City of Munich

The City of Munich kindly asks national and international delegations to register online.