Mosaik Youth Award - with diversity against racism

Projects that work against racism or for dialogue and encounters can be awarded the Mosaik Youth Prize - with diversity against racism.


The prize is awarded to projects initiated by young people that work against (everyday) racism and for respectful coexistence between all people in the city as well as for intercultural dialogue and encounters.

The projects should be both current and sustainable. They can be from all areas of society - for example, school, university, training centre, club or even private. Music, film, art or sports projects are welcome, as are encounter and educational projects as well as online projects. Teenagers and young adults up to the age of 25 who live in the cities of Munich or Nuremberg can apply for the prize as individuals or groups. The prize is organised by the cities of Munich and Nuremberg. The number of prizes awarded and the amount of prize money are determined by the jury. The total prize money per year is 9,000 euros.

Please send the completed and signed application form (PDF, 310 KB) together with a detailed project description by 24 October 2024 by email to

or to
City of Munich
Social Department, Specialist Centre for Diversity in Migration Society
Franziskanerstraße 8,
81669 Munich

You are also welcome to submit additional documents such as pictures, videos or press reports.

Applications must be submitted by 24 October 2024.

Award ceremony
The Mosaik Youth Award 2025 will be presented in Nuremberg in March 2025, the International Day against Racism.


Teenagers and young adults up to the age of 25 who live in the cities of Munich or Nuremberg can apply for the award as individuals or groups.

Required documents

Duration & Costs


Participation is free of charge.

Legal basis

Intercultural Youth Prize of the cities of Munich and Nuremberg in cooperation with the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior in memory of the Bavarian victims of the NSU terror cell
Meeting paper no. 08-14 / V 12989

First presentation of the "Mosaic Youth Prize - With Diversity against Racism" by the cities of Munich and Nuremberg in memory of the Bavarian victims of the "National Socialist Underground" group
Meeting submission no. 14-20 / V 02155

Presentation of the "Mosaik Youth Prize - With Diversity against Racism" by the cities of Munich and Nuremberg in memory of the Bavarian victims of the right-wing extremist terrorist group
Victims of the extreme right-wing terrorist organisation "National Socialist Underground"
Meeting submission no. 20-26 / V 02330

Landeshauptstadt München

Fachstelle für migrationsgesellschaftliche Diversität


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Fachstelle für migrationsgesellschaftliche Diversität

Franziskanerstraße 8
81669 München


Franziskanerstraße 8
81669 München

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