Legal advice on paternity and maintenance issues

We advise on maintenance claims for underage children and young adults up to their 21st birthday as well as on carer's maintenance.


Legal advice: Maintenance claims of underage children, young adults between the ages of 18 and 20 and single parents with small children regarding their entitlement to childcare maintenance.

  • Mothers and fathers who are single parents and / or single carers are entitled to advice and support in asserting maintenance claims for their underage child (§ 18 Para. 1 No. 1 SGB VIII).
  • Mothers and fathers who are not married to each other are entitled to counselling and support in asserting their own maintenance claims in accordance with § 1615 l BGB (childcare maintenance) (§ 18 Para. 1 No. 2 SGB VIII).
  • Mothers who are not married to the child's father are entitled to counselling and support after the birth of the child, in particular in establishing paternity and asserting the child's maintenance claims (§ 52 a SGB VIII).
  • Young adults are entitled to counselling and support in asserting maintenance and maintenance claims against their parents until their 21st birthday (§ 18 Para. 4 SGB VIII).

Required documents

Please enquire in advance by telephone in individual cases.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

Due to a high workload and staff shortages, a longer processing time must be expected.
If you already have a guardianship, please refrain from submitting status enquiries in the meantime, as this will further delay processing.


There are no fees.

Legal basis

§§ 18 and 52 a SGB VIII
§ 1615l BGB

Landeshauptstadt München



Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München

Werner-Schlierf-Straße 9
81539 München

Fax: +49 89 233-67531


Werner-Schlierf-Straße 9
81539 München


Montag, Dienstag, Donnerstag, Freitag: 9 bis 12 Uhr

Mittwoch 13 bis 15 Uhr nur telefonisch unter +49 89 233-67514

Termine mit Ihrer Sachbearbeitung: Nach Vereinbarung


  • Available:Barrier-free access
  • Available:Disabled parking

barrier-free access, lifts for the disabled in the building Parking facilities are very limited and chargeable directly in front of the office building.


Parking available

Public transport

Related services

Notarisation of maintenance claims

Does your child not live with both parents in the same household? Then he or she is entitled to "cash maintenance" from the parent living away from the household.

Advance on maintenance

Securing the maintenance of children of single mothers and fathers up to the age of 18.

Managing guardianship

Assistance: legal representation of underage children in establishing paternity and claiming child maintenance.

Advise adults (under 21 years of age) on maintenance issues

Adults who are unable to fully cover their maintenance needs from their own resources may be entitled to maintenance from both parents

Paternity survey for maintenance payments

If you want to apply for an advance on maintenance payments, the father must be legally established by a deed or a judgement.