Registration information
Do you need information about a new address or other personal data? Then you must submit a written request.
All persons who have registered a place of residence in Munich are recorded in the City of Munich's register of residents. Under certain legal conditions, you can obtain information about some of the stored data relating to another person.
Information on persons who died or moved away more than 55 years ago can be obtained from the Munich City Archives.
Simple information from the population register
Simple information from the population register is only possible if
- the person you are looking for can be unequivocally identified from your details in the population register and
- You make a declaration that the information will not be used for advertising or address trading. If the data is used for commercial purposes, this must be stated.
You will receive the following information with the information:
Surname, first name (if applicable, first name), doctorate, current address and a note if the person is deceased.
Extended civil register information:
For this information, you must demonstrate a legitimate or legal interest in the data. You will receive information if this is legally permissible.
In addition to the simple registration register information, the extended registration register information includes one or more of the following: previous names, date and place of birth (if born abroad, also the country), marital status, current nationalities, previous addresses, date of moving in or out, first names and surnames and address of spouse or partner, legal representation and address of legal representative, date and place of death (if deceased abroad, also the country)
Required documents
1. Your personal details and address
2. Details of the person you are looking for:
- Surname
- First names
- Date of birth and/or
- last known address in Munich
The more specific your details are, the more successful the search will be.
You can find a printable application form under Forms and links.
Questions & Answers
On the basis of the current Federal Registration Act, it is the task of the Citizens' Registration Office to provide information from the population register.
Conditionally. You have the option of applying to the Citizens Office to block the transfer of your data. However, these only prevent your data from being passed on to certain organisations. In principle, it is still possible to obtain simple information from the residents' register. More detailed data, as in the case of extended information from the register of residents, will only be provided to those seeking information who can credibly demonstrate a legitimate or legal interest. A complete blocking of your data for forwarding to private individuals is only possible in exceptional cases (§§ 51 and 52 BMG). Your data will always be passed on in accordance with the legal requirements of the Registration Act.
The Citizens Office releases registration data on the basis of legal provisions in compliance with data protection regulations. It is one of the tasks of the Citizens' Office to transfer data to other authorities or public bodies if this is necessary for the lawful fulfilment of the tasks of this office.
The Citizens Office may also provide so-called group information if this is in the public interest. However, it is also possible that your address may have been passed on via other channels, such as the Citizens' Information Centre of the Institution for Municipal Data Processing in Bavaria (AKDB).
Legal basis
§ 44 ff. Federal Registration Act (BMG); Section 44 et seq. of the General Administrative Regulation on the Implementation of the Federal Registration Act (BMGVwV) |
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