Residence permit for managing directors

The residence permit for managing directors is for persons who are employed or self-employed as managing directors.


With a visa or residence permit as a managing director, you can work as a managing director for the company listed on your residence permit (for example, on the supplementary sheet).

Visa procedure:
If you belong to a third country ( not the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland), you generally need a visa to enter the country for the purpose of employment, which must be applied for at the German diplomatic mission abroad.

The visa is not required for citizens of Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America.

EU/EEA citizens do not need a visa, residence permit or work permit.

After entering the country:

You must first register your residence at the Citizens Office.

Application for a residence permit:

Before your visa expires, you must apply for a residence permit. If you can enter the country without a visa for this purpose, you must submit the application within 90 days of entering the country.

To apply, please send us your application form and the required documents online or by post. After submitting your online application, you can download a completed document as a PDF for your records. The document will confirm your application and the authorisation/continuation of your previous residence. Once we have checked your application, you will receive an appointment for a personal interview.

the requirements and necessary documents differ depending on whether you are a company director (self-employed) or employed as a "salaried" director.


You do not need a university degree to work as a managing director, but you must be able to carry out the job with your previous education.

The activities of a managing director include, for example, the following:

  • Ensuring a profit-orientated and efficient business process
  • Developing investment and cost plans
  • Determining profit and sales expectations
  • Organising the day-to-day business
  • Making human resources decisions
  • Keeping cash books and annual accounts
  • Participation in marketing
  • Checking the creditworthiness of business partners
  • Recalculating larger offers
  • Maintaining the share capital:A managing director is responsible for ensuring that the assets required to maintain the share capital are not paid out to the shareholders
  • Representation of the company
  • Submission of a proper tax return

Employed managing directors:

This residence permit is only for employed managing directors who hold less than 50 per cent of the shares.

Self-employed managing directors:

You are a self-employed managing director if you are also a managing director of the company and hold at least 50 per cent of the shares.

Prerequisites for the granting of a residence permit are

  • An economic interest or a regional need
  • A positive impact on the economy
  • Secured financing (through equity capital or a loan commitment)

Required documents

  • Valid visa for entry (if required)
  • Proof of health insurance (insurance card of your statutory health insurance or the insurance policy of a private health insurance company)
  • Proof of training and qualifications, e.g. certificates and diplomas (in the case of foreign documents, if necessary by submitting certified German translations and, if applicable, formal recognition). The position of managing director is not linked to any specific qualification, but the tasks and liability obligations do require a certain level of qualification, in particular professional experience
  • Proof of German language skills level B1
  • Current extract from the commercial register showing the distribution of shares and the existing managing directors and any entries regarding general authorisation and power of attorney
  • Shareholders' agreement (including the list of shareholders)
  • Proof of adequate pension provision for persons over the age of 45. This is based on the pension calculation of the German pension insurance.

further documents:

Employed managing directors:

Self-employed managing directors:

  • Detailed curriculum vitae
  • complete business concept (business plan; further information on this can be found under "Questions & Answers")
  • Company balance sheet or statement from a tax consultant as proof of the company's success and financial solvency
  • Personnel report

Please submit the above documents as up-to-date and clearly organised as possible. Missing or incomplete documents can lead to a negative decision.

Further documents may be required in individual cases.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

10 - 12 weeks


First issue: 100 Euro

Extension: 96 Euro

Payment methods available

Questions & Answers

you can find out where you can have your qualification recognisedon the Recognition in Germanypage .

employment is non-self-employed work, especially in an employment relationship. Gainful employment includes employment as well as self-employment and freelance work.

qualified vocational training exists if it is vocational training in a state-recognised or similarly regulated training occupation for which a training period of at least two years is specified under federal or state law.

  • Description of your business idea
  • Founder profile / founding team (assessment of your professional and personal requirements, industry experience)
  • Market assessment (market potential, target group)
  • An industry structure analysis as a basis for the competitive situation (competitor analysis, strengths and weaknesses analysis - SWOT)
  • Location analysis
  • Company organisation and personnel management (choice of legal form, task organisation (organisation chart), process organisation, personnel structure)
  • Further information and evidence relating to the information provided in the business plan

  • Risk analysis
  • Financial planning and liquidity planning (investment and capital requirement planning, sales and profitability forecast for three years, personnel development planning with information on timetable and number of planned jobs and training places)
  • Detailed explanation of the turnover, expenditure and profit figures estimated in the financial planning, explanation of the calculation bases presented

  • Proof of equity or proof of financing for the stated capital requirements (e.g. bank statements, financing commitments, bank confirmations; business angels, borrowed capital)
  • In the case of recruitment: job profile with detailed information on the requirements profile, area of responsibility, remuneration, starting date, part/full time
  • Business contacts in Germany and abroad, type and extent of their involvement (if available), e.g. letters of intent, preliminary contracts, order confirmations; for this purpose, order intentions, letters of reference and letters of recommendation from Germany and abroad
  • Information on the project's contribution to innovation and research

Legal basis

§§ Sections 18a, 18b, 18g, 19c, 21 AufenthG

Landeshauptstadt München

Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten
Service-Center für internationale Fachkräfte

Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten
Service-Center für internationale Fachkräfte

Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München

Fax: +49 89 233-44284


Ruppertstraße 19
80337 München

Only with appointment

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