Operating licence for day care centres

If you would like to open a daycare centre, you must apply for an operating licence.

Required documents

Please submit the following documents in writing:

Letter of application:

  • Personal details
  • Type of organisation and profile
  • Type of planned facility: crèche, kindergarten, after-school care centre or house for children
  • Number of available childcare places
  • Age range of the children cared for
  • Address of the planned centre
  • Date of planned start of operation

Proof of organisation:

  • Proof of organisation depending on the type of organisation in accordance with Article 3 BayKiBiG
  • For natural persons: Tax number from the tax office and extended police clearance certificate from the provider
  • For legal entities (e.g. association or limited company): extract from the register and extended police clearance certificate from the provider
  • For parent-child initiatives: Articles of association, extract from the register of associations

Proof of location:

  • Proof of ownership or copy of the rental contract or lease agreement
  • Copy of the authorisation from the local building commission and approved set of plans
  • Room plan with functional descriptions and square metre figures (scale 1:100)
  • Open space plan indicating the square metres of the playable area (scale 1:100)
  • Site plan (scale 1:1000)

Personnel documents:

  • Staff list
  • Employment contracts and certificates as proof of sufficient pedagogical staff
  • Extended police clearance certificate of the daycare centre management (to be submitted upon request)


  • Pedagogical concept
  • Organisational concept

Child protection:

  • Centre-related child protection concept
  • Munich agreement on child protection in accordance with § 8a SGB VIII, signed by the provider and the pedagogical management
  • Extended police clearance certificate of the staff is available to the provider

Financial plan:

  • estimated income and expenditure in the first year of operation (checked by your bank, your tax consultant or an auditor)
  • Funding through BayKiBiG and Munich Funding Formula (MFF)
  • Financing through BayKiBiG and EKI funding model
  • Financing through BayKiBiG

Duration & Costs


The operating licence is issued free of charge.

Landeshauptstadt München

Referat für Bildung und Sport
Geschäftsbereich KITA
Abteilung Freie Träger
Team Freigemeinnützige und sonstige Träger


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Referat für Bildung und Sport
Geschäftsbereich KITA
Abteilung Freie Träger
Team Freigemeinnützige und sonstige Träger

Bayerstraße 28
80335 München

Fax: +49 89 233-84193


Landsberger Straße 30
80339 München

Related services

Carrier selection process for daycare centre buildings

If you want to run a day-care centre as an operator, you can apply for a municipal building.

Operating cost support for parent-child initiatives (EKI)

If you run a daycare centre as a parent-child initiative, you can receive financial support for your childcare places.

Reimbursement of fee reduction according to EKI-Plus

If your parent-child initiative receives benefits from the EKI funding model, you can apply for compensation for lost parental fees via EKI Plus.

Staff approval for day care centres

If you would like to employ a specialist or supplementary pedagogical employee without a recognised qualification, you must apply for personnel approval.

Investment cost support for day-care centres

If you would like to receive an investment cost subsidy for non-urban day care centres, you can submit an application.

Report personnel changes (§47 SGB VIII)

As an independent provider of a child day care centre in Munich, you must notify the City of Munich immediately of any changes in personnel.