Social counselling for existing homelessness

Are you living in municipal emergency accommodation, a clearing house or are you being accommodated by the city in a boarding house? We can advise and support you on site.


In the municipal accommodation centres for homeless people, the district social work department or the social services of the independent organisations will advise you on

  • Your personal and economic emergency situation
  • the causes of your homelessness,
  • Possibilities of being able to live independently again in the long term.

In addition, educators or social services support children and young people in the accommodation centres.

You must make an appointment in advance for a consultation.

Landeshauptstadt München

FB Pädagogik, Kinder- und Jugendarbeit


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
FB Pädagogik, Kinder- und Jugendarbeit

Franziskanerstraße 8
81669 München

Fax: +49 89 233-40201


Franziskanerstraße 8
81669 München


  • Available:Barrier-free access
  • Not available:Disabled parking

Related services

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Accommodation for existing homelessness

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Care, integration and accommodation of refugees

If you are homeless in Munich and have fled from another country, there is the possibility of temporary accommodation with socio-pedagogical support.


Begging is permitted outside the pedestrian zone. Anyone begging in the Old Town pedestrian zone or on the Oktoberfest grounds is liable to a fine.

Emergency services and help for homeless people

Are you homeless? Have you come across a homeless person who needs help? Here you will find an overview of contact points and emergency services in Munich.

Application for foundation funds - private individual in an emergency situation

Have you been living in Munich for at least a year, are in need and are in an emergency situation? Then you can apply for foundation funds.

Home economics counselling for indebted families

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