Housing benefit negative certificate

As a recipient of housing benefit, you will need a negative certificate if you move house.


When moving house

As a housing benefit recipient, you will need a negative certificate if you move to another housing benefit office and apply for housing benefit there. This certificate is intended to avoid double payments from different housing benefit offices. It will be issued on request by the housing benefit authority responsible until then.


In individual cases, negative certificates can also be issued or requested for other reasons (e.g. for submission to the Foreigners Office).

You only need a negative certificate for submission to the Foreigners Office if you are applying for a settlement permit or if the certificate has been expressly requested by the Foreigners Office.

Legal basis

§ Section 22 Housing Benefit Act

Landeshauptstadt München

Fachbereich Wohngeld

Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Fachbereich Wohngeld

Werinherstraße 89
81541 München


Werinherstraße 87
81541 München

Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 8.30 am to 12 noon,
Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 5 pm

Waiting numbers are generally issued until 11.30 a.m.; if there is a high volume of customers, only until 11 a.m. and Wednesday afternoons until 4.30 p.m.

Contact form Housing benefit negative certificate

Personal consultations are only possible after prior appointment by telephone for urgent exceptional cases.
Telephone: 089 233-49250.

Related services

Notification of vacant accommodation

As soon as it is foreseeable that a publicly subsidised flat will become vacant, the person entitled to dispose of it (landlord) must inform the Office for Housing and Migration of this

Subsidised housing (so-called social housing)

If you need a subsidised flat in Munich, you must submit an application. You can then search for a flat via the SOWON internet platform.

Rental advice

Tenants and landlords as well as municipal departments and external authorities can obtain free advice on all aspects of the tenancy.

Housing exchange

With the digital housing exchange, the Social Services Department is helping to utilise existing living space sensibly and efficiently.

Income-orientated additional funding (EOZF)

Are you renting an EOF flat or a "social letting made easy" flat? Then you can reduce your rent. To do so, apply for a rent subsidy.

Help with imminent loss of housing (housing security)

Counselling and help for Munich residents whose tenancy is threatened by termination or eviction proceedings.

Rent index - review of rent increases

The rent index provides an overview of the standard local comparative rent in the city of Munich. A rent increase must be justified in accordance with the rent index.

Permissible rent level for subsidised flats

Tenants of subsidised housing (so-called social housing) receive information about the permissible rent level.

Enforcement of the misappropriation statute

The misappropriation statute is intended to prevent all measures that deprive the housing market of living space.

Housing benefit - rent subsidy for rented flats

If you only have a low income, you can apply for a rent subsidy under certain conditions.