Counselling centres for parents, children and young people

Psychological, socio-educational and curative education specialists can advise you on questions relating to development, upbringing or family life.


Specialists with therapeutic qualifications in the fields of psychology, social pedagogy and child and adolescent psychiatry offer information, counselling, diagnostics and therapy for questions relating to the development and upbringing of children and adolescents and family coexistence.

For children and adolescents:

  • Counselling for problems in the family, at school, with a boyfriend or girlfriend
  • Support in emergency and conflict situations

For parents and families:

  • Information on issues relating to the development and upbringing of children and young people
  • Counselling in the event of disagreements and problems between parents and within the family,
  • Questions about childcare in daycare centres, crèches, kindergartens and schools
  • Questions about separation, divorce and contact arrangements
  • General social counselling

Specialist counselling for multipliers is possible.

Counselling can be provided by telephone or in person. Various organisations also offer online counselling. The Federal Conference of Educational Counselling Centres (bke) maintains an online counselling portal (


All parents and close caregivers of children and young people are entitled to parenting and family counselling. It does not matter whether you are a single parent, married or living with a new partner.

Children, adolescents and young adults can also contact the counselling centres directly.

Required documents


Duration & Costs


There are no fees.

Questions & Answers

Who can come to us?

  • Parents, families
  • Families and single parents
  • Children
  • Teenagers and young adults
  • Professionals who work with children and young people

How do we work?

The aim of our counselling work is to identify the problem situation together with the client, develop new solutions, strengthen existing strengths and prevent crises from escalating.
The form and duration of the support is planned jointly by the counsellors and clients.

What do we offer?


  • for all questions relating to parenting and relationships in the family,
  • questions about the development of children and young people,
  • disagreements and problems between parents and within the family,
  • partner conflicts, separation, divorce,
  • issues relating to parental care and contact,
  • school difficulties,
  • questions regarding the endangerment and protection of children and adolescents.


  • Various diagnostic assessments can be carried out as part of the counselling process, for example for school and development issues.

Preventative services and thematic groups such as

  • social skills groups for children and young people
  • topic-specific group programmes for parents, such as in the context of separation and divorce or for mothers and fathers with adolescents going through puberty
  • Lectures on development and parenting in special circumstances for daycare centres and schools

What professional background do we have?

The counselling sessions are carried out by psychological, socio-educational, psychotherapeutic and educational specialists.

What can you come to us with?

Anxiety, sleep disorders, settling in / kindergarten, learning to be clean, language development, defiance (setting boundaries), sibling disputes (rivalry), enuresis/ defecation

School years:
School readiness, learning disorders, dyslexia, dyscalculia etc., school anxiety, truancy, school refusal, school career issues, bullying, computer addiction, hyperactivity (ADHD / ADD)

Puberty / growing up:
Questions about sexual development, puberty crises, relationship crises, stealing, boundary violations, dealing with drugs and alcohol, smoking, suspected abuse, self-harming behaviour (scratching, eating disorders, addictive behaviour), youth protection law, independence

Parenting and family issues:
Separation and divorce, contact (contact arrangements), letting go and detachment, grandparents, relationship crises, domestic violence, patchwork and stepfamilies, couple conflicts, arguments

Special life situations and stresses:
Living in a foreign country, difficult life situations and stresses (dealing with disabilities, chronic illnesses, deaths in the family)

Legal basis

Child and Youth Welfare Act (§ 28 SGB VIII).

Related services

Taking children and young people into care

If the child's welfare is acutely threatened and the emergency situation cannot be averted in any other way, the child will be taken into care.

Report endangerment of children and young people

If you wish to report a risk to children or young people, please contact the Sozialbürgerhaus, or the police outside opening hours.

Street work for teenagers and young adults

Are you a teenager or young adult and have problems with family, school, addiction, work, police or housing? Streetwork in your neighbourhood can help.