Adaptation of the gender entry and first name (Self-Determination Act)

Does your officially registered gender not match your personality? Then you can decide how your gender and first name will be indicated in future.


From November 2024, the Self-Determination Act will make it possible to determine the entry of your own gender and the corresponding first names yourself.

You must first register your intention in writing or verbally at a German registry office. We recommend that you contact the registry office of your place of residence.

You can use our forms for written registration at one of Munich's registry offices and submit them by post. It is not possible to register by e-mail.

For oral registration, you can book an appointment online.

After registration, the registry office will arrange an appointment with you to have your declaration of gender and first name notarised. You must appear in person at the registry office for this. Registration and declaration must be made at the same registry office.
The declaration becomes effective upon receipt by the responsible registry office. Responsible is

  1. if your birth is recorded in a German birth register, the registry office that keeps your birth register
  2. if 1. does not apply, the registry office that keeps your marriage or civil partnership register
  3. if 2. does not apply either, the registry office in whose district you live
  4. if you live abroad, the registry office in whose district you last lived
  5. if none of the above applies, the registry office I in Berlin.

After the declaration has been effectively received, the responsible registry office will issue you with a certificate of the change and/or a new civil status certificate upon request. It will also inform the registration office.

From 1 November 2024, the Self-Determination Act (SBGG) will replace the Transsexuals Act and the declaration option for people with gender development variants.


You must first register your intention in writing or verbally at the registry office. This is possible from August 2024.

At the earliest three months after registration, you can have a declaration of change of gender entry and first names notarised at the registry office. The registration expires after six months if you do not submit the declaration. You do not need any medical documents.

The Self-Determination Act (SBGG) also applies to foreign nationals with habitual residence in Germany if they choose German law and fulfil certain residence requirements. However, the change to the entry of your gender and first names may not be recognised in your home country.

The declaration can also be made for minors. This requires the co-operation of several persons.

Required documents

For each person whose gender entry and first name is being changed:

  • Birth, marriage or civil partnership certificate, with translation into German if necessary

German nationals:

  • Identity card or passport

Stateless persons, homeless foreigners, persons entitled to asylum or foreign refugees with residence or habitual abode in Germany:

  • Travel document

Foreign nationals with residence or habitual abode in Germany:

  • foreign passport and
  • an unlimited right of residence or
  • a renewable residence permit for legal residence in Germany or
  • an EU Blue Card

Minors under the age of 14:

  • Identity document of all persons involved
  • Declaration by the person(s) with custody or the person(s) appointed as guardian, with proof of custody or guardianship. If the child is at least 5 years old, he/she must give his/her consent in person. A guardian also requires the consent of the family court. Minors must declare that they have received counselling.

Minors aged 14 and over:

  • Identity document of all persons involved
  • Young people can only make the declaration themselves. They need the consent of their legal guardian(s) or the person appointed as guardian. In addition, it must be declared that counselling has taken place. If a person exercising legal representation does not consent, the family court can replace the consent.

Persons of legal incapacity who are under guardianship in this matter:

  • Identity document of all persons involved
  • Proof of guardianship
  • Declaration by the carer
  • Consent of the guardianship court

Duration & Costs

Processing time

You must first register your intention in writing or verbally at a German registry office. We recommend that you contact the registry office of your place of residence.

The declaration will be notarised three to six months later.


  • Written registration: free of charge
  • Transcript of the oral registration: 25 euros
  • Notarisation of the declaration of gender and first name: 60 euros
  • Certificate of change or birth certificate: 12 euros

Payment methods available

Questions & Answers

You must apply for a new identity card immediately. Also remember to change your driving licence, electronic health card and payment cards. Inform employers, insurance companies, associations and other organisations relevant to you.

The relevant registry office will issue a certificate of change of gender entry and first name on request. The certificate only contains the new data. If your birth was notarised at a German registry office, you can apply for a new birth certificate. This will also only contain the new data. You can also obtain a notarised printout from the register of births. In this document, all subsequent certifications entered since the birth can be traced.

There is a fundamental ban on disclosure, which is regulated in § 13 SBGG. If necessary, you can apply to the registration office for a disclosure ban .

When declaring your gender, you must state the first names you wish to use in future and which correspond to the chosen gender entry. You can also state that you wish to continue using your previous first name if this corresponds to the chosen gender entry.

The SBGG requires that the first name corresponds to the chosen gender entry. According to the general rules for choosing first names, the chosen name must always be suitable as a first name. In the case of minors, the first name must not jeopardise the child's welfare.

The SBGG only regulates the declaration of gender and first name. There are other legal requirements for changing the surname. The registry office can advise you whether it is possible to change your surname.

Yes, but there is a one-year blocking period for persons of legal age.

Counselling can be provided in particular by people who have a professional qualification in psychology, child and youth psychotherapy or psychiatry, as well as by child and youth welfare organisations. You must declare to the registry office that you have received counselling.

Legal basis

law on self-determination with regard to gender registration ( SBGG)

Related services

Name change

A first name or family name may only be changed if an "important reason" (Name Change Act) justifies the change.

Name change on driving licence

After a name change, we recommend exchanging the driving licence (especially when travelling abroad), but it is not mandatory.

Explanation of the order of the first names

Would you like to change the order of your first names? Then you can apply for this under certain conditions.

Change personal data in the population register

Your personal details have changed following a marriage, divorce or change of name abroad. You must have this entered in the register of residents.

Register or re-register residence - Family

If you are moving to Munich as a family, you must register within 14 days - even if you are moving within the city.

Exemption from the second home tax

If your total positive income was less than 29,000 euros two years ago, you can be exempted from the second home tax for the current year.

Name change in the vehicle documents

If the name of the person or the company name to which a vehicle is registered changes, this must be entered in the vehicle documents.

Register or re-register your place of residence

If you move to Munich, you must register as soon as possible - even if you are re-registering within the city. The law stipulates 14 days.

Change of address for identity card, passport, eAT

If you move within Munich, move to Munich or your address has changed, you should have the address changed in your identity documents.

Second home tax

If you or family members use other flats in Munich in addition to your main residence, you must pay second home tax.