Student counselling

Are you interested in a degree programme or are you considering dropping out? The educational counselling service can help you with any questions you may have about studying.


The educational counselling service of the City of Munich supports you with all your questions about studying - regardless of whether you would like to study for the first time after leaving school or are already studying and are thinking about changing or dropping out.

Starting your studies
If you are interested in studying, you are faced with many important decisions. We support you in your considerations and help you to gain clarity:

  • Which degree programmes are suitable for me?
  • Should I study at a university or university of applied sciences?
  • Where can I find an overview of degree programmes and how can I apply?
  • What are the pros and cons of a dual study programme?
  • Is a Bachelor's degree enough or do I also need a Master's degree?
  • Should I study at all or is an apprenticeship better suited to my interests?
  • What do I need to consider if I have not obtained my university entrance qualification in Germany?

New orientation for students
Many students have doubts about their studies. If you have the feeling that the subject you have chosen does not suit you, or you are even thinking about dropping out of your degree programme completely, we will be happy to advise you on your options and alternatives:

  • Should I change subject? Which subject might suit me better?
  • What is my career goal and what are the best ways to achieve it?
  • Is a university of applied sciences more suitable for me than a university?
  • Should I continue my studies at all or would an apprenticeship suit my ideas better?

Financing your studies
A degree programme lasts at least three years. We will be happy to show you what financial support is available to you during this time.

  • Can I apply for BAföG?
  • Am I entitled to maintenance from my parents?
  • Can I work alongside my studies?

We will be happy to advise you in person, by phone or video.

Landeshauptstadt München

Referat für Bildung und Sport
Beratung Schule, Beruf, Weiterbildung


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Referat für Bildung und Sport
Beratung Schule, Beruf, Weiterbildung

Goethestraße 12
80336 München

Fax: +49 89 233-83311


Goethestraße 12
80336 München

Telefonische Erreichbarkeit
9 bis 12 Uhr und 13 bis 16 Uhr

Dienstag: 14 bis 17 Uhr

Mittwoch: 9 bis 12 Uhr

Donnerstag: 9 bis 12 Uhr und 13 bis 16 Uhr

Freitag: 9.30 bis 12 Uhr und 13 bis 16 Uhr

Persönliche Beratung: Für eine persönliche Beratung vereinbaren Sie bitte einen Termin.

Related services

Further education counselling

If you would like to continue your professional training, we will advise you on your individual options and prospects.

Official medical assessment - Disadvantage compensation for students

With an official medical certificate, students with a disability or chronic illness can receive compensation for disadvantages from the university for their studies.

Professional (re)orientation

We advise you on career opportunities, whether it's your first career choice or a reorientation during your professional life.

Career planning centre (b-wege)

Are you under 25 years old and would like intensive counselling, guidance and support on your career path?

Further training counselling for people with health problems and disabilities

Free counselling for people with health restrictions and disabilities on career prospects, funding opportunities and funding bodies.

Recording competences for continuing professional development

We support you in becoming aware of your skills and strengths with our skills workshop in group and individual formats.

Internship abroad during or after training

Are you doing an apprenticeship or have just completed it and would like to do an internship in another EU country? Then apply for a scholarship.

Vocational orientation at secondary and special schools - JADE

If your child attends a secondary school or special school, is looking for an apprenticeship or an internship, the JADE project staff can help.