School counselling - Vocational schools

Would you like advice on choosing a vocational training programme or different types of school?


School-leaving qualifications at vocational schools
You can obtain the following school-leaving qualifications at vocational schools:

  • Secondary school leaving certificate
  • Intermediate school-leaving certificate
  • Entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences ("Fachabitur")
  • Subject-specific or general higher education entrance qualification ("Abitur")

Vocational preparation and vocational training
The vocational preparation year (BVJ) is for young people who are required to attend vocational school and do not have a training place. In the case of vocational training, a distinction is made between training in the dual system and school-based training at vocational schools.

  • Further vocational training
  • After vocational training, there is the possibility of further vocational training. Among others, the following vocational schools offer advanced training programmes:
  • Specialist academies
  • Technical colleges
  • Master craftsman schools
  • Technical schools

Secondary vocational schools in Munich The business schools and vocational secondary schools (Fachoberschulen (FOS) and Berufsoberschulen (BOS)) offer a combination of general education and vocational subjects.

The business schools enable students to obtain the intermediate school leaving certificate with a focus on business subjects, which under certain conditions can also lead to a shortened training period for subsequent relevant vocational training. The specialised and vocational upper secondary schools lead to the Fachabitur and the Abitur (subject-specific or general higher education entrance qualification) in one to three years.

Second-chance education Second-chance schools offer the opportunity to obtain school-leaving qualifications at a later date. Lessons can take place in the evening alongside work or as a full-time programme during the day.

  • Evening secondary school (Franz-Auweck-Abendschule)
  • Munich College
  • Evening grammar school
  • Telecollege

We can advise you by telephone, e-mail or in person on the following types of school:

  • Fachoberschule (FOS)
  • Vocational secondary school (BOS)
  • Business school
  • Vocational school
  • Vocational school
  • Technical college
  • Technical academy
  • Technical school
  • Master school

We can also advise you on the following topics:

  • School-leaving qualifications from vocational schools
  • Vocational preparation and vocational training
  • Further vocational training
  • Secondary vocational schools in Munich
  • The second educational pathway
  • Further information

We can also provide you with information on the options for catching up on school-leaving qualifications.

Duration & Costs


free of charge

Landeshauptstadt München

Referat für Bildung und Sport
Pädagogisches Institut - Zentrum
für Kommunales Bildungsmanagement


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Referat für Bildung und Sport
Pädagogisches Institut - Zentrum
für Kommunales Bildungsmanagement

Goethestraße 12
80336 München

Fax: +49 89 233-83311


Goethestraße 12
80336 München

Telefonische Erreichbarkeit
9 bis 12 Uhr und 13 bis 16 Uhr

Dienstag: 14 bis 17 Uhr

Mittwoch: 9 bis 12 Uhr

Donnerstag: 9 bis 12 Uhr und 13 bis 16 Uhr

Freitag: 9.30 bis 12 Uhr und 13 bis 16 Uhr

Persönliche Beratung: Für eine persönliche Beratung vereinbaren Sie bitte einen Termin.

Related services

Registration at the vocational school

You can register yourself or your trainees at the vocational school.

Registration for the specialised secondary schools

You can enrol at the Fachoberschule. The enrolment dates vary from school to school.

Registration for the vocational upper secondary schools

You can enrol at the Berufsoberschule (BOS).

Registration for the business schools

As a vocational school, the business school leads to the intermediate school-leaving certificate (Mittlere Reife) in a practical and modern way.