BildungsLokale - educational counselling in the district

Free educational counselling and offers for all citizens, educational stakeholders and institutions in the district.


In BildungsLokalen, citizens can obtain information on the topic of education at any age:

  • Counselling on all aspects of school, training and further education
  • Basic education programmes
  • Language and learning support
  • Integration support in parental education, health, cultural and political education
  • Support for civic engagement

In addition to personal counselling, the teams at the individual BildungsLokale centres are also active in the district.

The offers and events are often organised together with other educational stakeholders. Together with the educational stakeholders, the local learning and educational landscape in your neighbourhood is constantly being expanded. The programme is therefore also aimed at educational stakeholders in the respective district. They can exchange expertise in the BildungsLokalen and plan joint programmes.

The latest news and information for professionals can be found under Links & Downloads.

Free, independent and confidential counselling, information and referrals for all age groups:

  • Children: early support, learning mentoring, tutoring, starting school, education and participation package
  • Young people: Transitions to secondary schools, transition from school to work, catching up on school-leaving qualifications
  • Adults: vocational and further training, funding opportunities, education in old age
  • Integration: language and integration courses, intercultural education programmes

Duration & Costs


free of charge

Landeshauptstadt München

Referat für Bildung und Sport
Bildungslokal Ramersdorf


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Referat für Bildung und Sport
Bildungslokal Ramersdorf

Balanstraße 79
81539 München


Balanstraße 79
81539 München

Counselling (without appointment):

Monday 9 am to 1 pm
Tuesday 1 to 5 pm
Thursday 9 am to 1 pm
Friday 9 am to 1 pm

Would you like a detailed consultation? Please make an appointment. We will be happy to advise you.

Related services

Special payment for pupils

Pupils starting school in Munich for the first time or transferring to a secondary school can receive a special payment.

School medical consultation

The City of Munich's school medical centre offers school medical consultations and examinations for pupils and their parents.

Benefits from the education package

People under the age of 25 who receive certain social benefits can also apply for benefits from the education and participation package.

Offences against compulsory education

Anyone who violates compulsory school attendance must expect to be fined.