Registration for the vocational upper secondary schools

You can enrol at the Berufsoberschule (BOS).


The Berufsoberschule is a vocational secondary school. It offers a combination of general and vocational subjects. It leads to the vocational baccalaureate and Abitur in one to a maximum of three years.

There are four municipal vocational secondary schools in Munich. There is also one private vocational secondary school.

Registrations for the 2024/25 school year will be accepted from Monday, 26 February to Friday, 8 March 2024.


General admission requirements:

  1. Intermediate school-leaving certificate(certificates from public schools not recognised by the state are not sufficient proof of prior education)
  2. You mustprovide evidence ofoneof the following vocational qualifications:
  • at least two years of vocational training in a recognised training occupation in accordance with the Vocational Training Act or Crafts Code
  • at least two years of school-based vocational training completed with a state final examination
  • Passed an employment examination in a career path of the intermediate or higher non-technical or technical service or a service entry examination for the intermediate technical service
  • at least five years of professional experience

Final admission is dependent on passing the probationary period. During the probationary period, it is determined whether the student is able to meet the requirements of the vocational upper secondary school.


Those who have selective educational deficits at entry can take advantage of special support measures before entering the vocational upper secondary school:

  • Pre-course: recommended for graduates of Realschule or Wirtschaftsschule. The one-year preliminary course helps students to refresh their knowledge of German, English and maths from their intermediate school-leaving certificate (also possible for six months).
  • Pre-class: Intensive lessons in German, English and maths and the basics of other subjects for secondary school leavers or business school leavers who have completed vocational training. Students without a secondary school leaving certificate must also pass the entrance exam in German, English and maths. An average grade of at least 3.7 must be achieved, whereby no grade may be lower than 4.

Required documents

Enrolment should be done in person using the enrolment form. This allows questions to be answered on the spot.

The following documents must be submitted:

  • fully completed enrolment form
  • Birth certificate (copy)
  • Certificate of secondary school leaving certificate (original and copy)
  • Proof of previous vocational training (original and copy, e.g. IHK certificate)
  • Copy of the vocational qualification certificate
  • complete curriculum vitae with photo
  • official certificate of good conduct for applicants who are not transferring directly from a public school

Duration & Costs


free of charge

Landeshauptstadt München

Referat für Bildung und Sport
Geschäftsbereich - Berufliche Schulen


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Referat für Bildung und Sport
Geschäftsbereich - Berufliche Schulen

Bayerstraße 28
80335 München


Bayerstraße 28
80335 München

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