Hospitalisation of mentally ill persons

Under special circumstances, mentally ill persons can be placed in a psychiatric hospital against their will.

Placements by the City of Munich are carried out in its function as a security authority.

As deprivations of liberty are constitutionally subject to a judicial decision, official placements are only valid until 12 noon on the day following the placement.


In the case of mentally ill persons, there must be concrete evidence of a continuing significant risk to the legal interests of other persons or a significant risk to themselves.

It is examined to what extent there are options for action in order to provide mentally disturbed persons with the necessary help on the one hand and to reduce the possible impairments and dangers for the general public to an acceptable and reasonable level on the other. Placement measures (= deprivation of liberty) can only be justified in the case of specific, significant dangerous situations.

Required documents

If contact is made by telephone, the name and callback number (during the day) of the person making the report and, if possible, precise details of the anomalies and observations are required.

Anonymous messages will not be processed.

Duration & Costs


free of charge

Questions & Answers

Are anonymous messages processed?
No, anonymous messages are generally not processed.

Is a personal appointment required?
Yes, we strongly recommend that you make an appointment in advance if you wish to visit us in person.

Legal basis

Bavarian Mental Health Assistance Act (BayPsychKHG)

Landeshauptstadt München

Geschäftsbereich Recht und Kreisverwaltungsaufgaben
SG Psychisch Kranke-Vollzugshilfe-Betäubungsmittel


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Geschäftsbereich Recht und Kreisverwaltungsaufgaben
SG Psychisch Kranke-Vollzugshilfe-Betäubungsmittel

Schwanthalerstraße 69
80336 München

Fax: +49 89 233-66850


Schwanthalerstraße 69
80336 München

For personal consultations, it is necessary to make an appointment in advance.

Related services

Counselling for people with mental health problems

Social psychiatric services (SPDi) are counselling centres for people with mental health problems and their relatives. There are ten of these SPDis in Munich.

Clearing centre for drug addicts

The clearing centre informs those affected about the options and requirements for substitution treatment as well as about other addiction support services.

Mental health problems in children and adolescents

We provide counselling for mental health problems and psychiatric illnesses in children and adolescents.

Addiction counselling

The city's addiction counselling service provides free help with alcohol, medication, nicotine or gambling addiction as well as addiction to opiates and other illegal drugs.