Energy certificate for residential buildings

The energy performance certificate documents and evaluates the determined energy value of a building. Entire buildings are always considered, not individual flats.


The energy performance certificate documents and standardises the energy value of the respective building. In this way, different residential buildings can be objectively compared with each other. The certificate is always issued for a building (per house number), not for individual flats.

Since 1 January 2009, all residential buildings in Germany have been required to have an energy performance certificate. Homeowners must present the energy performance certificate to the buyer or tenant when selling, leasing or changing tenants. Since 1 July 2009, non-residential buildings have also been affected by this obligation.

The energy performance certificate documents and standardises the energy value of the building in question. In this way, different residential buildings can be objectively compared with each other. The certificate is always issued for a building (per house number), not for individual flats.

The energy certificate must be issued by qualified and authorised experts. Stadtwerke München will be happy to issue an energy performance certificate for your residential building.

SWM-Stadtwerke München GmbH

Energieberatung in der SWM Zentrale



Emmy-Noether-Straße 2
80992 München

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