Specialist counselling on child protection (IseF)
If you have professional contact with children or young people at risk, you are entitled to counselling from a child protection specialist (IseF).
If you are worried about a child or young person - for example because a child has confided in you with their problems or difficulties or you have a strange gut feeling or you simply cannot explain the child's/young person's behaviour - an immediate, free and anonymous counselling and support service is available from experienced professionals (IseF).
The IseF counselling service
- can be provided in person / at the counselling centre, by telephone or online,
- supports you in assessing the situation,
- helps you to consider and plan the next steps,
- informs you about possible and suitable offers of help,
- informs you about the procedure for a possible report to the youth welfare office,
- is anonymised in relation to the child/young person concerned,
- is confidential, subject to confidentiality and can be anonymous if desired,
- includes free information events on various child protection topics.
You are free to choose a counselling centre to receive specialist counselling. You will receive feedback from the experienced specialist within two working days of your request for specialist counselling.
Specialist counselling is available to anyone who has professional contact with children/young people or their parents (medical, therapeutic, school, sports club, etc.).
In addition to specialist counselling, information events are also available. Both services are free of charge.
- You work in an area in which you are professionally involved with children, young people and/or their families, such as in the medical field, in a music/sports club, as a teacher or in outpatient care.
- You are worried about a child/young person.
- A child has confided in you about their problems or difficulties.
- Do you have a strange gut feeling?
Then you can take advantage of a free and anonymous counselling and support service provided by experienced child protection specialists (IseF).
Required documents
Questions & Answers
When can I call?If you are worried about a child/young person, for example because a child has confided in you with their problems or difficulties or you have a strange gut feeling.
Who can seek counselling?
Anyone who works in an area in which they are professionally involved with children, young people or their families (e.g. in the medical field, in a music/sports club, as a teacher, in outpatient care) can seek counselling.
Is the youth welfare office always informed?
If the risk assessment shows that the child's welfare is at risk, you will be advised about further possible or necessary steps. It may be that the youth welfare office should/must be informed.
What is the aim of IseF counselling?
If there is a suspicion that a child's welfare is at risk or that a young person is at risk, to be able to assess a possible risk and obtain advice on further necessary/possible steps.
Legal basis
Social Code (SGB) - Eighth Book (VIII) - Child and Youth Welfare (SGB VIII)
§ Section 8a para. 4 SGB VIII: Mandatory involvement of a child protection specialist for child and youth welfare professionals
§ Section 8b para. 1 SGB VIII: Entitlement to counselling by a child protection specialist for persons who are in professional contact with children and young people
Act on Cooperation and Information in Child Protection (KKG)
Bavarian law on education and teaching (BayEUG)
Health Services Act (GDG)
Art. 11 GDG: Protection of the health of children and young people
Erziehungs-, Jugend- und Familienberatungsstelle der Stiftung zusammen. tun.
Regional educational counselling centre
Postal address
Fax: +49 89 452235-299
Riemerschmidstraße 16
80933 München
- Available:Barrier-free access
- Not available:Disabled parking