Information on sole custody from the custody register
A mother who is not or was not married to the child's father can obtain written information on sole custody from the custody register.
Information on sole custody from the custody register(so-called negative certificate, formerly known as negative certificate)
If parents are not married at the birth of their child, the mother initially has sole custody of the child.
Joint parental custody exists if the parents of the child agree that they wish to take joint custody of their child (so-called declaration of custody), marry each other or if the family court grants the parents joint parental custody.
Parental custody can also be withdrawn in whole or in part from the mother or transferred to the father alone on the basis of a final court decision.
Consensual declarations of custody and final court decisions on joint parental custody are recorded in the custody register of the youth welfare office at the child's place of birth. This is also where final court decisions on the withdrawal of custody from the mother or the transfer to the father alone are recorded.
The information on sole custody from the custody register serves as proof for the mother in legal dealings with authorities, banks, kindergartens, schools or doctors that she is entitled to sole parental custody of her child.
The youth welfare office at the mother's place of residence is responsible.
Mothers who live in Munich can contact the counselling service of the Assistance Department to obtain such a certificate.
Required documents
- Birth certificate of the child
- written application: You have the option of submitting the application either online or by post using the PDF form provided by us (see "Forms & Links").
Legal basis
In accordance with Section 1626a Para. 3 of the German Civil Code (BGB), the mother initially has sole custody of a child whose parents are not married to each other at birth.
In accordance with Section 58 Para. 2 SGB VIII, the mother can request information from the custody register.
Postal address
Landeshauptstadt München
Werner-Schlierf-Straße 9
81539 München
Fax: +49 89 233-67531
Werner-Schlierf-Straße 9
81539 München
Montag, Dienstag, Donnerstag, Freitag: 9 bis 12 Uhr
Mittwoch 13 bis 15 Uhr nur telefonisch unter +49 89 233-67514
Termine mit Ihrer Sachbearbeitung: Nach Vereinbarung
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