Residence permit - doctoral candidates

If you come from a third country and would like to complete a doctoral programme in Munich, you will need a residence permit.


The following regulations only apply to you if you are not from the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland.

Period of validity: The residence permit is generally issued for two years, unless the doctorate is completed within a shorter period. The residence permit will be extended upon application if the requirements are met, whereby the maximum duration for this purpose of residence is five years.

Employment opportunities:
The employment you are allowed to pursue during your doctorate depends on whether the doctorate is part of a degree programme, dual training or employment. The residence permit or the supplementary sheet to the electronic residence permit contains all the necessary information and authorisations.

Job search:After completing a German university education, you are entitled to a residence permit to look for a job for a period of 18 months, provided that you are able to support yourself and fulfil the general requirements for obtaining a residence permit. The residence permit authorises any self-employed or employed activity. An extension of the residence permit for the purpose of employment is then only possible if proof of a qualified job that is appropriate to the studies is provided. This regulation applies regardless of the type of doctorate you have been granted.

In Germany, there are various options for doing a doctorate, in particular

  • at a university
  • at a research institution
  • in industry.

Which residence permit is considered in each individual case and which rights are associated with it depends on the specialisation, the research project, the contract and the individual circumstances.

Doctoral students with an employment contract generally receive a residence permit in accordance with § 18 AufenthG.

Enrolled doctoral students usually receive a residence permit in accordance with § 16 AufenthG. There you will receive a registration certificate. This certificate is often requested by other authorities or institutions as proof that you are registered in Munich.

Once you have completed these steps, doctoral candidates from third countries must apply for a residence permit for doctoral studies before their entry visa expires. If you can enter the country without a visa, you must apply for a residence permit at the Foreigners Office within 90 days of entering the country.

Visa procedure:
In many cases, you will need a visa to be allowed to enter the country.

After entering the country:
The first thing you need to do is register your residence at the Citizens Office. To do this, please use the online appointment system of the Citizens' Office.


A doctoral programme within the meaning of the Residence Act only exists if the focus of the stay is the doctorate. If you are enrolled at a German college or university for this purpose, you will be granted a residence permit to study.

However, a doctorate can also take place as part of an employment relationship, either at a university, at a non-university research institution or in a company. In this case, a residence permit for employment may be considered.

Required documents

  • fully completed application form
  • valid passport or passport substitute
  • a biometric passport photo
  • valid visa for entry for the purpose of doctoral studies, if required
  • for international students - certificate of enrolment, letter of admission from the university or letter from the faculty confirming acceptance as a doctoral candidate
  • for international students in dual study programmes - employment or training contract
  • for doctoral candidates, a certificate from the doctoral supervisor regarding the topic, supervision and expected duration of the doctorate, including an indication that there is an academic interest in the doctorate
  • for doctoral candidates, proof of successful completion of the degree programme
  • In the case of a foreign certificate or diploma, you must submit a certified German translation and formal recognition (if required)
  • Proof of health insurance (insurance card) from a statutory health insurance company. Those with private health insurance must pay attention to the type and scope of their health insurance. The insurance must be valid for at least six months. Traveller's health insurance is not sufficient.
  • Proof that you have sufficient means of subsistence: Blocked account from a German bank for at least 11,364 euros or a declaration of commitment or scholarship certificate or a notarised declaration from the parents to secure their livelihood for the duration of the course, with proof of the parents' income for the last three months
  • In the case of employment: fully completed employment insurance(only for first-time applicants, please upload together with the application form)
  • Tenancy agreement

Further documents may be required in individual cases.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

10-12 weeks


First licence: up to 100 Euro

Extension: up to 96 Euro

Legal basis

§§ Sections 16, 18, 20 Residence Act

Landeshauptstadt München

Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten

Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München

Fax: +49 89 233-45497


Ruppertstraße 19
80337 München

Lagehinweis: Eingang A

Only with appointment

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Emergency assistance for residence permits - employees, relatives

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Residence permit - Job search

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Residence permit - Qualified tolerated persons

Do you have a tolerated stay permit and would like to pursue employment that corresponds to your professional qualifications? Then you need a residence permit.

ICT card (intra-corporate transfer)

The ICT card is a temporary residence permit for intra-company transfers throughout Europe.

Residence permit - skilled workers with academic training

If you have completed your studies outside Germany, you can apply for a residence permit for qualified employment.

Immigration counselling for skilled workers

If you are a skilled worker living abroad and would like to work in Munich or the surrounding area, we can offer you advice on recognition, qualifications and immigration.

Residence permit - civil servants

If you work as a civil servant for a German employer, you will be issued a residence permit to fulfil your official duties.

Qualification support Service

Do you own a professional qualification or degree from abroad?
Are you looking for a suitable qualification measure?
We will find the right solution with you.

Settlement permit for highly qualified persons

In special cases, highly qualified foreign nationals can obtain a permanent residence permit without prior residence in Germany.