FAQs Foreigners Office

Frequently Asked Questions

General information

Information on booking an appointment can be found here:

Servicepoint for emergencies

If you do not have a residence permit (in emergencies), you must book an appointment online. You can find all the information here:

Online services

We offer most of our services as an online service:

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

You can send us the required documents in writing by post or submit your application online on the internet. For an online application, please only use one of our online contact forms (currently only available in German). Our online contact forms can be found on our website in the respective service or under Online Services.

You can find detailed information on our website. Please use our contact form for futher questions or for questions on specific topics of the Foreigners Office.

Appointments that you can book yourself can be found using our online services. For all other services, such as the issuance or extension of a residence title, please send us your application with the required documents online or by post. After we have checked your application, you will receive an appointment from us.

In order to process your request, we need your first and last name, your date of birth as well as your complete address in Munich. When using our forms, all information should be filled out as completely as possible and the form should be signed personally by the applicant or the legal representative. Please also note that you should only send us copies and not the originals of the enclosed documents by post. To enable us to contact you by post, please make sure that your name is legibly written on your post box. In order to keep processing times as short as possible, please send us your request only once and not several times. You can find our online contact forms here. Our postal address is

Kreisverwaltungsreferat (KVR)

Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München

  • Please note that the Foreigners Office has unfortunately not yet been able to send all employees the electronic residence title (eAT) they have already applied for.
  • Not all employees have received a valid certificate from the Foreigners Office yet.
  • If the eAT or the certificates have already expired, it is often not the employee's fault.
  • The existing document on the right of residence in Germany continues to be valid until the processing of the request at the Foreigners Office is again possible for the employee.
  • This also applies to all ancillary provisions in the document, particularly with regard to the nature and extent of permitted employment.
  • The certificate is only valid in conjunction with the personal document and the existing document on the right of residence in Germany.
  • However, travelling abroad and re-entering Germany is only possible with a valid residence title.

A delayed response from the Foreigners Office will not result in any disadvantages regarding your right of residence. If you have submitted an application for extension online or by post, your current residence permit with all conditions (such as for work) will remain valid until we make a decision on your application.

If you do not yet have a residence permit and have submitted an application for issuance, your stay will be considered legal until we make a decision on your application, provided that you were legally in Germany at the time of your application.

Your settlement permit as well as your permanent EU residence permit is still valid even if your previous passport has expired and you have already received a new passport. For re-entry you only have to show your old and new passport as well as your previous settlement permit or permanent EU residence permit at the border control. Before traveling to another country, however, we recommend that you obtain information on entry formalities or contact the embassy/consulate of the country concerned, as the Foreigners Office cannot make any binding statements about the practice of foreign authorities.

Your temporary residence title expires at the latest when your passport expires. If you have not yet received the extension of your residence title (for example national visa, residence permit or EU Blue Card), you need a so-called fictional certificate (Fortgelungsfiktion) with the note on the 3rd page "gilt der Aufenthaltstitel als fortbestehend (§ 81 Abs. 4 AufenthG)". When travelling abroad, carry all documents proving the right of residence in Germany (valid/expired passport, expired residence title, valid fictional certificate, other official letters). In this case, carry all documents proving your right of residence in Germany with you when you travel abroad and when you re-enter Germany (for example, valid/ expired passport, expired residence title, valid fictional certificate, other letters from the authorities). This also applies when you travel to another Schengen state. 

To apply for a new electronic residence title, please use our online contact form and upload a picture of your valid new passport and a biometric passport photo. As soon as we have completed the examination, you will receive an appointment to order your residence title.

You hold a fictional certificate according to § 81 Abs. 3 AufenthG ("Erlaubnisfiktion") and would like to travel abroad?

In difference to the "Fortgeltungsfiktion", the "Erlaubnisfiktion" according to § 81 Abs. 3 AufenthG does not entitle you to re-enter Germany.

You are abroad and there are currently no flights or the borders are closed. Can you return to Germany?

As soon as the pandemic-related entry restrictions have been lifted, you can enter Germany if you have a valid residence title for your entry. If your residence permit or national visa expires while you are abroad, please contact the German embassy or consulate responsible for your current place of residence and submit an application for a re-entry visa for the purpose of your intended stay. You can additionally contact us via our contact form. After the examination of your request, we will, if appropriate, send the responsible German embassy or consulate a pre-approval for visa issuance.

You have an expired Schengen visa and cannot leave the country?

The departure from Germany is obligatory. If the departure is not carried out in time, this can lead to problems with foreigner law later on. If it is not possible to leave the country, please contact us via our contact form. The required proofs can be uploaded via the contact form:

  • Passport copy
  • Copy of the Schengen-Visa
  • Confirmation from the airline that no earlier flight is possible
  • Proof of an existing sufficient health insurance coverage
  • In individual cases, other required proofs (for example, a current medical Certificate of temporary inability to travel)

Have you entered legally without a visa for the purpose of being a tourist or for a visiting trip?

Persons who have entered Germany without a visa in accordance with the Regulation (EU 2018/1806, Annex II) for the purpose of tourism or for the purpose of a visiting trip and cannot leave the country must submit an application for legalisation of their stay before the expiry of the 90-day period. The application has a fictional effect of § 81 subparagraph 3 AufenthG. The residence is then considered to be permitted. There is an obligation to leave Germany as soon as it is possible to leave Germany again. Persons who have submitted an application must withdraw their application when they leave Germany.

You have entered Germany with a national visa (D visa) and you are not registered with your address in Munich yet?

Please register immediately at the Citizens Office (Bürgerbüro). This can be done by post. All information can be found at www.buergerbuero-muenchen.de.

My residence title/ national visa (D visa) expires and I have not received an appointment yet. What next?

Please contact us in writing using the contact form or by post. Please send us the required documents with the contact form or by post. You will receive an appointment from us after the examination. You can inform yourself about this on our website www.auslaenderbehoerde-muenchen.de.

You want to pick up your electronic residence title (eAT)?

As soon as it has arrived, we will send it by post to your address.

You want to pick up your electronic travel document?

As soon as it has arrived, you will receive a notification from us. You will have the possibility to make an appointment with us then to pick it up.

You have a new passport?

Your former residence title remains valid. Carry your old as well as your new passport with you. Have you handed in your old passport? Then contact us via our contact form on the internet or by post.

You hold an expired residence title, and a new passport?

Please contact us via our  contact form or by post and attach a photo of your new valid passport as well as a biometric passport photo of you. You will receive an appointment from us after examination.

I have lost my electronic residence title (eAT), foreign identity card or toleration certificate (Duldung). What next?

Please contact us via our contact form or by post. If you have already reported the loss to the police, please send the document with the contact form or by post. You will receive an appointment from us after examination. If necessary, we can also issue to you a certificate confirming your residence status.

Have you lost your PIN for your residence permit?

If you have forgotten your PIN, the PIN has been blocked due to incorrect entry and the PIN letter with the PUK can no longer be found or you have never received the PIN letter, we can reset the PIN on site.

Please use our general contact form.

  • Please select the appropriate field: I have a question
  • Category: Travel document/ eAT/ PIN/ loss
  • Topic: PIN or online ID function eAT

Normally you will receive an appointment within 10 days. If possible, please indicate a preferred date.

You want to change your employer?

Please contact us via our contact form to apply for a change of employer/ employment or by post and attach the following documents:

You have lost your job?

Please contact us via our contact form or by post and attach the following documents:

  • Termination letter
  • Current bank account statement
  • Proof of health insurance during unemployment

Your employer has applied for short-time working allowance (Kurzarbeitergeld) for you?

Short-time work does not lead, for the time being, to a change of your residence title, as your employment contract remains in force. If you change the employer, you must notify us. Please note that your residence title may expire if you terminate your employment contract. This depends on the ancillary provisions of your residence title. General information on short-time work can be found here.

You want to apply for naturalisation?

You can find all the important information here.

You have already received a letter to collect your naturalisation certificate?

Please book an appointment to pick up the certificate here. It is currently not possible to pay fees at the cash desk. If you have not paid the fee yet, please transfer it to the following account of the City of Munich: Stadtsparkasse München, IBAN DE86 7015 0000 0000 2030 00, BIC SSKMDEMM. Please state the reason for transfer as 92001790611419 and bring a bank statement with you as proof of the transfer on the date for the handing over of the certificate.

I am organising a class trip, language trip or graduation trip and need a list of travellers (Schülersammelliste).

Please refer to our service description for the list of travellers (Schülersammelliste).

Other questions

In all other cases, please contact our service telephone 089/233-96010 or contact us via our contact form or by post.