Start-up funding for innovative outpatient care services

Projects for residential care communities, residential groups for people with disabilities and innovative forms of care are financially supported in the start-up phase.

The funding application must be submitted before the start of the measures. The funding period covers six months before first occupancy and the first year of operation and amounts to a one-off grant of up to 50,000 euros.


The requirements for funding are described in the guidelines for the funding of innovative outpatient care services in Munich and were adopted by the City Council on 12 November 2020 and 22 June 2023. You can find more information on the topic, such as the quality criteria, on the page

Outpatient assisted living communities for people in need of care.

Required documents

For the application you need:

  • Application for start-up funding
  • Financing plan Cost calculation
  • Financing plan Revenue calculation
  • Job and occupancy plan
  • Application for disbursement

Further information and requirements necessary for processing the application can be found in the funding guidelines.

Landeshauptstadt München

Altenhilfe und Pflege


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Altenhilfe und Pflege

Sankt-Martin-Straße 53
81669 München


Sankt-Martin-Straße 53
81669 München

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Investment support for outpatient care services

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Promotion of further and advanced training (outpatient and day care)

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