Debtor and insolvency counselling of the City of Munich

Counselling and help with debt and over-indebtedness, out-of-court settlements with creditors, support in applying for consumer insolvency proceedings.


Debtor and insolvency counselling is based on a holistic counselling concept. The first priority is to stabilise the client's existential situation. This primarily includes maintaining housing and ensuring payment of electricity and food.

We provide assistance and advice on

  • taking stock of personal and economic circumstances
  • securing their material livelihood
  • household and budget planning
  • Questioning and reflecting on consumer behaviour
  • coping with personal, family and other social problems
  • Identifying alternative options in consumer behaviour
  • activating the potential for self-help
  • clarifying legal and financial issues
  • Debtor protection measures (e.g. raising the garnishment exemption limit)
  • the creation of a debt settlement concept
  • debt settlement through an out-of-court agreement with creditors
  • debt settlement through judicial insolvency proceedings

The municipal debtor and insolvency counselling service offers a hotline service to all citizens seeking advice on weekdays.

You can reach the hotline Monday to Thursday from 9 am to 3 pm and Fridays from 9 am to 12 pm on 089 233-24353.

Special contact points

Required documents

Debtor and insolvency counselling processing form and documents relating to liabilities.
You can obtain the processing form from the relevant social centre.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

Depending on the scope.


There are no fees.

Questions & Answers

Our cooperation organisation FIT-FinanzTraining is also available to help you clarify your financial situation and plan your budget. FIT-FinanzTraining was initiated in 2005 by the Verein für Fraueninteressen e.V. (Association for Women's Interests) and has been working on behalf of the Social Department of the City of Munich in close cooperation with the municipal debtor and insolvency counselling service since 2006. They can help you prepare the documents to register with the debt counselling service.

If necessary, voluntary household counselling can also be arranged for a limited period of time.

Please contact your local social welfare centre immediately. There is a special specialist centre for preventing homelessness.

A consumer advice centre or a lawyer can provide you with information on consumer law or legal issues:

Verbraucherzentrale Bayern e.V.
Mozartstr. 9
80336 Munich

Phone: 089 539870
Fax: 089 537553

For legal advice for low-income citizens, please contact the

office of the Münchener Anwaltverein e.V.:

Maxburgstraße 4 / C 142
80333 Munich

Tel.: 089 295086
Fax: 089 29161046

Office hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9 am to 11.30 am
(in August only Monday and Wednesday)

Registration by 11 a.m. - proof of need must be provided!

In negotiations with creditors, agreements on instalment payments, deferrals or settlements can be reached.

In the event of consumer insolvency proceedings, we support you as a recognised advice centre in attempting to reach an out-of-court settlement and in initiating and conducting court insolvency proceedings.

We also advise self-employed small business owners on standard insolvency proceedings as part of our self-employed counselling service.

To initiate debt counselling, please contact the district social work office in the social community centre responsible for your district and make an appointment for an initial brief consultation.

Legal basis

§ Section 16 a of Book II of the Social Code (SGB II),
§ Section 11 para. 5 Social Code XII. Book (SGB XII),
§ 305 ff. Insolvency Code (InsO),
Art. 112 to 116 Bayer. Law on the Implementation of Social Laws (AGSG)

Related services

Application for foundation funds - private individual in an emergency situation

Have you been living in Munich for at least a year, are in need and are in an emergency situation? Then you can apply for foundation funds.

Emergency services and help for homeless people

Are you homeless? Have you come across a homeless person who needs help? Here you will find an overview of contact points and emergency services in Munich.

Care, integration and accommodation of refugees

If you are homeless in Munich and have fled from another country, there is the possibility of temporary accommodation with socio-pedagogical support.

Accommodation for existing homelessness

Have you lost your flat? We can provide you with temporary accommodation and help you find a new, permanent home.

Household budget counselling - FIT-FinanzTraining

If you have difficulties with your finances, FIT-FinanzTraining will support you with personalised advice on your financial situation.

Home economics counselling for indebted families

Volunteer home economics counsellors help those seeking advice on site in their households to clarify financial problems.


Begging is permitted outside the pedestrian zone. Anyone begging in the Old Town pedestrian zone or on the Oktoberfest grounds is liable to a fine.