Investment support for day-care centres

Structures are to be created through investment funding so that needs-based care for Munich residents in need of care is possible.



Partial inpatient facilities can receive financial support for new construction, conversion and modernisation. The Social Committee of the City of Munich defined the requirements for funding and procedures in a resolution dated 14 October 2021.

By resolution of 17 October 2023 (plenary meeting 25 October 2023), the guidelines and the requirements for funding were laid down.

Funding is only provided if the investment funding from the Free State of Bavaria (
PflegesoNah) has been rejected. From 17 October 2023, partial inpatient projects that are created as individual services (i.e. not in conjunction with other care services) no longer have to apply for funding under PflegesoNah as a priority.

Type of funding

Funding is provided in the form of fixed amounts or pro rata funding.

The city council has decided to continue the reduction in the funding amount of 30 per cent for each funded project. Relevant information can be found in the guidelines.


The requirements for funding are set out in the guidelines and were last updated in the resolution dated 17 October 2023.


Investment promotion funds are only paid out following a written application and resolution by the city council.
Please arrange an appointment with the department listed below before submitting your application. The further modalities (such as authorisation of an early start of construction prior to the decision on funding) can be discussed here.

The application must be received by the City of Munich by 31 March of the funding year.

Legal basis

  • Guidelines for funding
  • Section 72 SGB XI
  • Section 72 AVSG

Landeshauptstadt München

Altenhilfe und Pflege


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Altenhilfe und Pflege

Sankt-Martin-Straße 53
81669 München


Sankt-Martin-Straße 53
81669 München

Related services

Promotion of further and advanced training (inpatient care)

As a fully inpatient care facility, you can receive funding for supervision, further education and training.

Registration of outpatient care services

Anyone who provides or offers reserved activities in care in return for payment must notify the responsible health authority immediately.

Start-up funding for innovative outpatient care services

Projects for residential care communities, residential groups for people with disabilities and innovative forms of care are financially supported in the start-up phase.

Promotion of care transition

Termination of the "Promotion of care transition" programme on 31.12.2024.

Promotion of intercultural openness in care for the elderly

As an organisation providing open support for the elderly, you can receive funding for further training and workshops on intercultural openness (IKÖ).

Promotion of further and advanced training (outpatient and day care)

As an outpatient or day-care facility, you can receive funding for supervision, further education and training.

Investment support for outpatient care services

As an outpatient care service, you can receive investment support in accordance with the guidelines and the budget funds available.

Promotion of in-house day care

As a full inpatient care facility, you can receive a personnel cost subsidy for a specialist for in-house day care in accordance with the guidelines.

Investment support for full inpatient/short-term care

As a full inpatient facility or short-term care facility, you can receive investment funding for new construction, conversion and modernisation measures.