Information block
Under certain legal conditions, the registration authority may provide third parties with information from the population register (surname, first name, doctor's degree, address).
If there are reasons for endangering your privacy, you can request that no information be provided about your data.
This information block can only be set up at the registration office of your main place of residence (in person or in writing). You will need an appointment for your personal visit (consultation, application). You can arrange this by e-mail at or by telephone.
The information block is limited to two years. It can be extended upon request. In this case, you must once again prove your current, specific threat by providing information from the register of residents.
The prerequisite is that you can prove that there are factual indications that you or another person (e.g. your family member(s)) would be at risk to life, health, personal freedom or similar interests worthy of protection if you were to provide information from the population register. Your details will be checked by the registration authority.
Required documents
Suitable evidenceand/or documentsof your current and specific risk situationmust besubmittedto the registration authority.
Questions & Answers
Your data may also be stored by other public authorities (tax office, youth welfare office, judicial authorities). Please clarify the options for blocking data directly with these authorities. This also applies to the blocking of data in other registers (Central Register of Foreigners, Central Vehicle Register).
Please avoid the liberal, unchecked and unintentional publication of your sensitive personal data on the Internet and in social networks in order to prevent misuse of data by third parties. Please ensure data minimisation in every respect (especially when using online services and activities in portals).
Information from the population register is not provided to private individuals and non-public bodies without prior separate verification by the registration authority.
The information block does not prevent the transfer of data to other authorities and other public bodies so that they can fulfil their tasks (e.g. fine offices, tax authorities, security authorities).
Simply belonging to a professional group (e.g. as an employee in the police enforcement service, job centre, prison) is not sufficient to block information in the population register.
Legal basis
§ 51 BMG
Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten
Bürgerbüro Auskünfte, Sperren
Postal address
Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten
Bürgerbüro Auskünfte, Sperren
Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München
Fax: +49 89 233-44490
Ruppertstraße 19
80337 München
by appointment only.
- Available:Barrier-free access
- Not available:Disabled parking