Display of fireplaces and stoves

If you wish to install a fireplace or stove in your house or flat, it must be reported using this form before use.


In the Munich city area, new or replaced fireplaces or stoves for solid fuels such as wood, which are only used to heat the room in which they are installed, may only be used if they demonstrably comply with the limit values of the Munich Fuel Ordinance or the 1st BImSchV (Stage 2). The limit values are 1250 mg/m 3 for carbon monoxide and 40 mg/m 3 for dust.

Before commissioning, the systems must be notified by e-mail ( brennstoffverordnung.rku@muenchen.de) or by post to the Department of Climate and Environmental Protection (see contact field below for address) together with proof of compliance with the limit values (manufacturer's type test) using the "Notification of new system" form.

The continued operation of old systems (installed and commissioned before 2015) must be reported to the Climate and Environmental Protection Department by e-mail or post using the "Continued operation of old system" form together with the necessary evidence.

Fireplaces and stoves must be reported to the Department for Climate and Environmental Protection before they are used for the first time.

Required documents

Documents for the notification of new installations:

1.Completed form "Notification of new installation"

2.Proof of compliance with the above-mentioned limit values (manufacturer's type test)

Documents for the notification of the continued operation of old systems:

1.Completed form "Continued operation of old system"

2.Verification options:

a.Proof of compliance with the above-mentioned limit values for dust and carbon monoxide or

b.Proof of retrofitting/installation of dust filter and proof of compliance with the above-mentioned limit values for CO or

c.proof of retrofitting/installation of dust filter and proof of a walled-in stove insert within the meaning of Section 4 (5) of the Munich Fire Protection Ordinance (written confirmation from authorised district chimney sweep)

Duration & Costs

Processing time

The processing time is one month from receipt of the notification with the relevant evidence.

The requirements are deemed to have been demonstrated/provided if the Climate and Environmental Protection Department does not respond in writing (by post or e-mail) within one month of receipt of the notification.

There will be no separate confirmation of the notification if the respective requirements/evidence have been duly provided.


There are no fees.

Questions & Answers

A test bench certificate provides information about the emission values of the indicated single-room firing system.

As a rule, it can be obtained from the dealer.

if you have any queries,please contact brennstoffverordnung.rku@muenchen.de

Legal basis

Munich Fuel Ordinance
Ordinance on small and medium-sized combustion plants (1. BImSchV)

Display of fireplaces and stoves

Postal address

Display of fireplaces and stoves

Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München

Fax: +49 89 233-47759


Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München

Please make an appointment by telephone.

Related services

Sealing a fire brigade access road

Fire service access routes must be labelled for existing buildings and new construction projects.

Smoke detector

Smoke detectors are mandatory in new buildings and existing homes must be retrofitted accordingly by 31 December 2017.