Development plan
The legally binding development plans from 1963 onwards are available to you as pdf files in a map service.
The legally binding development plans from 1963 onwards are available to you in a map service as pdf files. In the map service you can use the
What? search for development plan numbers. Or via the
Where?-Search to find the corresponding development plans for the address entered.
The areas marked in blue in the map service indicate areas with legally binding development plans, while the areas marked in yellow represent decisions on the preparation of development plans. The planning decisions are not available as pdf files in the map service.
Please also note our legal information and the notes on the use of the internet versions of the development plans as well as the explanation of the symbols on the development plan.
Printouts of legally binding development plans can still be obtained for a fee from the Municipal Department - Surveying Office.
Information on the development plans can be obtained from the relevant urban development appraisal offices in the Central, Eastern and Western planning districts.